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State of North Carolina}

Pasquotank County }

In the Name of God Amen: I Warren Alford of the county and State foresaid knowing that it is appointed by our maker that all men must die and being sick and weak of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same do this eighteen day of March one thousand eight hundred & fourteen make ordain and publish this to be my last will and testament.

First I commend my Soul to my God, and my body to the earth to be decently buried by my executors hereafter named.

Secondly I will and desire that my executors or what of them may qualify shall set up and sell at public [too dark too read, but only 4 letters & doesn't look like auction or sale at all] all my property both real and personal that lies in this State, on a credit of nine {send?} eighteen months save as hereafter excepted and also my will and desire is that my executors or such of them as may qualify to this my will shall set up and sell at publick sale all my property with real and personal that lies in the State of Virginia on a credit or twelve months and two years. But whereas my girl Minta has been a tender faithful and affectionate servant to me during many years of embarrassment distress and disease; and whereas she brot with her when she came to me one bed, two sheets, two blankets two counterpins (sic), one trunk, one chest, one large blue pitcher, two china bowls, one large looking glass one small blue table & one small skillett Now I my will and desire that the said Minta should not be sold at all, but that she shall have the priviledge of hiring her own time and accounting with my Executors at their discretion, and that my executors shall allow her to keep all the property she brot to me and if ever it shall be practicable for my executors or any of them hereafter to have the said Minta emancipated it is my will and desire that he or them shall do so; and I appoint my said executors trustees to protect the said Minta according to the meaning of this my said will.

It is my will and desire that my executors hereafter named shall out of the proceeds of my estate after sold pay all my debts that are now legally due and to account for the balance to my two children Benjamin Alford and Betsey Jolley to them and their heirs forever.

I nominate constitute and appoint my friends Caleb Perkins of Camden County Thomas Jordan Esq, & Leonard Martin Esq. of Pasquotank County my executors and trustees to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above.

W. Alford

In presence of
Eben Tuct
Jas. W. Shotwile
G. Mandeville

State of North Carolina} Pasquotank County } June Term 1814

The last will and Testament of Warren Alford Deceased was exhibited and proved in open court by the oath of Joseph W. Shotwell one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto. Thomas Jordan one of the Executors therein named appeared and qualified agreeable to Law ordered that the will be recorded and letters Testamentary ____.

Teste: Will. F. Muse, clk

Pasquotank County original wills NC, Recorded in Book M, pg. 261 1709-1917 CR.075.801.4 Warren Alford, 1814

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