Ahnentafel 1. Barbara Alford #516 {Private} married Kenneth E. Holland, Sr. #517 {Private}. Parents 2. Roscoe Alford #61 was born after 1910. He is buried in Nash Co, NC. He married 3. Kitty Whitaker #66. Grandparents 4. Roscoe Calvin Alford #10 was born Jun 1860 in Franklin Co., NC, and died Nov 1923 in North Carolina, buried in Social Plains Church, Franklin Co. NC. He married (1) Isabella _____ #17. She was born Feb 1861 in North Carolina, and died before 1906 in North Carolina. He married (2) 5. Columbia Elizabeth Carter #18 on Jun 30 1909. She was born about 1886 in North Carolina. Great-Grandparents 8. Kisar Alford #1 was born about 1814 in Franklin Co., NC, and died after 1870 in North Carolina, buried in Dunn's Township, Franklin Co., NC. He married 9. Martha M. Upchurch #2 (daughter of Berkley Upchurch #142 and Alsey Pace #143), on Jan 1 1841 in Franklin Co., NC. |
The AAFA Family Branch for this Ahnentafel is KIS814NC. | Corrections, additions, or comments regarding this Ahnentafel should be directed to the AAFA Data Manager. Please include the Ahnentafel number, #1426, and the reference number (the reference number appears after the ancestor name, e.g., #516) of the ancestor to which the comment applies. Email the AAFA Data Manager by clicking here. |