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  Last Updated: 13 February 2021 by #0030
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Idaho Obituaries





Obituaries are listed alphabetically by FIRST name. Included are people whose last name, maiden name, or married name is Alford or a spelling variation: Alfred, Alvord, Allford, Halford, Hallford, Holford, etc.


The name of the newspaper (or other source) and place and date of publication follow the name of the deceased. If we included the obituary in AAFA ACTION, the issue is noted.


The Alford American Family Association (AAFA) often adds notes to each obituary, including Social Security Death Index (SSDI) data, relationship of the deceased to other Alfords, and lineages. We add to AAFA NOTES as time permits.


Where lineages are included (Alford unless otherwise stated), the format is: Name, year of birth, state or country of birth.


Obituaries of AAFA members and sometimes their spouses are also included on AAFA Member Memorials and may include more information.


We welcome corrections and additional information. If you have an obituary from this state that is not included here, please share it with us!


Date posted: 13 FEBRUARY 2021





The families of some of the subjects of these Idaho obituaries are represented in AAFA Alford Genealogies published on this website, where we are referring readers for more information.


*AAFA’s Online Published Genealogies:


1. Known Descendants of Alexander Alvord and Mary Vore (DNA Group 4) and Thomas Alford b. about 1598 England (DNA Group Four)

            See also Open Library’s A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord


2. Known Descendants of Benedict Alford and Joan Newton (DNA Group 4) and Thomas Alford b. about 1598 England (DNA Group Four)


3. Known Descendants of John Alford and Jane McElhattan (DNA Group 1)





Frequently cited sources include these databases at Ancestry:


ID Births: Idaho, Birth Index, 1861-1917

ID Marriages: Idaho, Marriage Records, 1863–1967


SSDI: Social Security Death Index, 1935–2014

SSACI: Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007






[He died in OR, but he we are including his obituary here because he lived and is buried in ID.]



Oakland, Alameda Co., CA—Wednesday, 26 January 1927




LEWISTON. Idaho. Jan. 26—Albert Hulbert Alford, managing editor of the Lewiston Tribune since it was established in 1892, died this morning at Hot Lake, Oregon, where he arrived last night for a short rest.

            He was born near Galveston, Texas, October 21, 1862. He was in the office of the Tacoma Morning Globe before coming to Lewiston to associate himself with his brother, Eugene L. Alford, in establishing the Tribune. Besides his brother he is survived by a sister. Mrs. W.L. Evans, who made her home with him.

Photos from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Karen HUnter


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his mother, Annie Marie Maulsby Alford; and brother Eugene Lemuel Alford in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his father, George Frederick Alford; and sister Harriet L. Alford Evans in Texas Obituaries; and sister Linda D. Alford Edmonson in Missouri Obituaries.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Albert Hulbert 1862 TX1, George Frederick 1836 MO2, George G. 1793 NY3, George 1764 CT4, Benedict 1716 CT5, Benedict 1688 CT6, Jeremiah 1655 CT7, Benedict 1619 England8, Thomas 1598 England9.




Uncle of Gordon Alford Matlock, AAFA #0829


[He died in WA, but we are including his obituary here because he lived and is buried in ID.]



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Sunday, 21 July 1968





            Albert L. (Bud) Alford, 61, editor and publisher of the Lewiston Morning Tribune since 1946, and an executive of the newspaper since 1928, died at 5:15 p.m. yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane, from the effects of a cerebral hemorrhage suffered Friday night at 11 at his home, 1402 8th Ave.

            Alford was stricken on the patio of his home a few minutes before he had planned to retire for the night. He also sustained a skull fracture when he fell.

            He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital from his home by ambulance and flown to the Spokane hospital for emergency treatment at 7:30 yesterday morning. He never regained consciousness.

            One of the Pacific Northwest’s best known editors, Alford was widely respected in national journalism circles. Under his leadership, the Lewiston Morning Tribune became one of the most widely read small city daily newspapers in the United States, and is used as a study guide in university journalism schools.

            Alford’s 43-year association with the Tribune began in the spring of 1928 when his uncle, Albert H. Alford, the Tribune managing editor, died. Alford returned to Lewiston from Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Va., to assume the managing editorship.

            He immediately began to attract attention both for the clarity of his editorials and the quality and depth of the news columns. As managing editor, Alford guided the Tribune and its readers through the depression and World War II.

            He became editor and publisher in April 1946, upon the death of his father, E.L. Alford—who with Albert H. Alford founded the newspaper as a weekly in 1892.




            As editor and publisher, the scope of his duties became greater, but he maintained intimate contact with all departments and personnel in supervising daily production of the Tribune.

            In his capacity as a newspaper executive, Alford was a leading figure in American journalism. He was elected in 1966 to membership in the American Society of Newspaper Editors, the leading professional organization for editors, and was a [missing text] of the Utah-Idaho [missing text].

            Alford was twice nominated as a director of the Associated Press, the international news gathering organization of which the Tribune has been a member since 1898.

            He was a member and former director of the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Ass’n and a former director of the Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington.

            Alford was nominated four times to attend the press seminars conducted by the American Press Institute at Columbia University, New York.

            Alford made two Pacific cruises as guest of the Secretary of Navy.

            He was a member of the Palouse Empire Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, a national journalism society.

            Both as managing editor and editor and publisher, Alford’s paramount interest was in the prosperous development of the Lewiston-Clarkston region based upon its geographic location and natural resources.

            He was a key figure in the opening of the Snake River through a series of dams which would bring year-round navigation between Portland and Lewiston and in the Lewis & Clark Highway linking Lewiston with Missoula, Mont.

            Both these campaigns were successful. The dams on the lower Snake River will bring slackwater navigation to Lewiston-Clarkston in the early 1970s and the Lewis & Clark Highway was finished in 1962.

            He also had a deep interest in the history of Lewiston and all of Idaho. He was chairman of the Idaho Historical Society board at the time of his death and frequently attended society meetings at Boise.

            From its inception in 1935 until early this year, Alford was a director of the Lewiston Roundup Ass’n. In retiring from the board, he said that it was time for younger men to assume responsibility for the Roundup. He was the oldest member of the board in terms of service at the time he retired.




            Alford was appointed to the Nez Perce County Selective [missing text] organized in 1940 and continued as a member until 1950.

            In 1961, at the time the Tribune moved into the present building at 505 C St., Alford was presented an outstanding achievement award by the Greater Lewiston Chamber of Commerce. In a speech presenting the award, Dr. Donald K. Worden, a former Lewiston mayor, said he had only been misquoted once during eight years as mayor.

            “Such a record and such devotion to accuracy reflects not only good policy but good training and supervision,” Dr. Worden said.

            A lifelong Democrat of independent persuasion, Alford had attended every Democratic and Republican national convention since 1932 and had been planning to go to the Democratic convention at Chicago and the Republican convention at Miami Beach this summer.

            At each convention, he wrote dispatches for the Tribune readers on convention progress, with particular emphasis on the Idaho delegations, including small details not included in general press coverage. He was an official Idaho delegate at several Democratic conventions.

            Alford was a guest of President John F. Kennedy at a White House luncheon for editors held in 1962.

            As a combined editor and publisher, Alford recognized that a newspaper pursuing excellence must strike a balance between news and advertising, and that revenue in advertising must be allied with news columns of quality and thoroughness.

            In striking this balance for the Tribune, Alford employed a greater number of editorial employees than most newspapers with comparable size and circulation.

            Although duty required him to supervise total production, Alford’s chief interest remained in the newsroom he reluctantly left in 1946.

            Blessed with a phenomenal memory and a passion for minuscule detail, Alford read each morning’s issue of the tribune from the back page to the front page with a thoroughness none [missing text] match. From the news columns he dredged ideas for future stories and logged them in his date book. Much of each day’s issue of the Tribune including today’s and many days to come was based upon his voluminous recording of the life and times of the residents of the Lewiston-Clarkston region.




            Of particular importance to Alford was the News In Brief column, which he considered the best read section of the Tribune. He wrote his own news briefs, provided tips on others and expected his staff members to do the same.

            His office was not that of a business executive, but of an editor keeping abreast of the news. The working space on his desk was reduced through the years to a small bare patch surrounded by mounds of paper, each sheet of which bore some relation to the operation of the Lewiston Morning Tribune.

            Perhaps Alford summed up his own philosophy as a newspaperman best in 1961 when he wrote in a special edition of the Tribune at the time the newspaper moved to its present home:

            “. . . fortunately a newspaper does not live in or for the past. It must live in the present, the breathing, pulsating, living present. It must be prescient and ever look forward into the future which, in this case, we confidently believe is full of promise and the challenge of limitless achievement.

            “This newspaper has faith that the Lewis-Clark Empire is on the threshold of an era of new and sustained progress and improvement without parallel in its history. It aspires to continue to grow with this great country and to be worthy of its opportunities for service.




            “For this future, the Tribune’s pledge is that we shall continue to do our best to deserve continued public confidence and support. We shall endeavor to print the news fully and impartially, interpreting the chronicle of the passing days to the best of our ability and with due regard for the common interest, and in joining the strength of our influence with all other forces for advancement.”

            Alford was born at Lewiston Jan. 7, 1907, the son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Alford.

            He graduated from Lewiston High School in 1924 and attended the University of Idaho for two years, where he was a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity and worked on the staff of the student newspaper, the Argonaut. He transferred to Washington & Lee University in 1926, and studied there until returning to Lewiston in 1928.

            He was married to the former Catherine Hahn Jan. 10, 1931, at Lewiston. She died Sept. 8, 1964.

            He married the former Mary E. Wagner Aug. 25, 1966, at Lewiston.

            Alford was a member of the Presbyterian Church, the Lewiston Elks Lodge, the Lewiston and Clarkston country clubs and Phi Chi social fraternity.

            In addition to his widow, he is survived by two sons, Charles H. Alford, advertising manager of the Tribune, and A.L. Alford Jr., general manager of the Tribune; his mother, Mrs. E.L Alford; two sisters, Mrs. Eugene Hamblin and Mrs. John H. Matlock; a stepdaughter, Shelly Wagner, and three grandchildren, Albert L. Alford III (Brid), and Gordon H. Alford, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Alford Jr.; and Catherine Alford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Alford. His younger brother, George Gordon Alford, was killed in an airplane crash during World War II.

            The body is being brought to the Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements are pending.—T.W.C.


In another article:



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Wednesday, 24 July 1968




            The funeral for A.L. (Bud) Alford, editor and publisher of Lewiston Morning Tribune, who died Saturday, was yesterday at the Congregational-Presbyterian (Federated) Church. The Rev. E. Paul Hovey officiated.

            Soloist was Perry E. Williams and organist was Mrs. Pauline Brigham. Burial was at Normal Hill Cemetery with Mr. Hovey and the Rev. Fr. William J. Elliott, pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, conducting a graveside service.

            Pallbearers were Charles P. Boren, Thomas W. Campbell, John E. Carter, Wilbert D. Hall, Harold W. Hollister, W. E. Johnson, J. Clarence Moore and Melvin C. Snow. All are members of the Tribune editorial staff.

            Honorary pallbearers were Reed Clements, Verner R. Clements, J. Harley Ferris, Ladd Hamilton, Paul E. Hayman, J. Bayne McCurdy, Robert A Newell and John F. Streiff, all of Lewiston; Donald S. Haines of Portland, William F. Johnston of Seattle, John O. McMurray of Boise, Robert Myers of San Francisco and Porter Ward of Bowie, Md. Also serving as honorary pallbearers were members of Phi Chi social fraternity.

            Friends attending from out of town included Bruno R. Michetti, Seattle; Judge Ray McNichols, Boise; Mrs. Frank Church, Washington, D. C.; John B. Hughes, Bothell, Wash.; Claude E. Baskett, Portland, Ore.; Dwight A. Chapin, Los Angeles; Mrs. William F. Johnston, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Modie, Vancouver, Wash.; Herb Ashlock, Pullman; Mrs. W. J. Maloney Jr., Phoenix, Ariz.; James Ragsdale, Spokane; Lester W. Damron, Rosalia; Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald, Fenn; Merle Wells, Boise; Mrs. Donald S. Haines, Portland, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Boas, A. J. Marineau, W. T. Marineau, Harold Cornelison, Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Cross and Mrs. Jeannette Brenner, all of Moscow.


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death [_____ July 1968] dates of Albert Alford (SS# issued in ID), last residence not listed.

            See the obituaries of his wife, Catherine Hahn Alford; his son Charles Hahn Alford; his parents Eugene Lemuel Alford and Alice Claire Larson Alford; his siblings Eugenia Alford Hamblin, George Gordon Alford, and Mary Alice Alford Matlock; and his grandson Gordon Newell Alford in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Albert Larson 1907 ID1, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX2, George Frederick 1836 MO3, George G. 1793 NY4, George 1764 CT5, Benedict 1716 CT6, Benedict 1688 CT7, Jeremiah 1655 CT8, Benedict 1619 England9, Thomas 1598 England10.





[Aleene died in ID, but we are also including her obituary in OR because of her close ties there.]


High school graduation

Photo from KarenZollman’s Zollman Family Tree (Ancestry)



Enterprise, Wallowa Co., OR—19 February 2009



            Aleene Claire Barton Alford, a longtime Joseph [Wallowa Co., OR] elementary teacher, died Feb. 12, 2009, at St. Luke Hospital in Meridian, Idaho, at the age of 86.

            Aleene was born August 4, 1922, in La Grande to Arthur and Grace Barton.

            She lived and grew up in Shevlin, Ore., most of her childhood. She attended school in Shevlin through fourth grade, and then finished her schooling in LaPine.

            As a high school student Aleene was very active on the debate team, as school editor, played girl’s basketball, and competed in and won several speech contests locally and at state level. In May of 1940, she graduated valedictorian of LaPine high school, receiving a scholarship to attend Eastern Oregon College of Education in La Grande. After receiving her teacher’s certificate in 1943 she taught first grade in Milton-Freewater.

            On Nov. 9, 1943, Aleene and Merle Alford were married in Nampa, Idaho,

            The couple moved to Sebring, Fla., while Merle was still in the Army Air Force. Aleene continued her teaching career teaching pre-school while they lived there. They then moved back to Joseph to help run the Alford Ranch.

            Aleene taught first, fifth and sixth grades in Lostine and then taught first grade in Joseph Elementary School for 31 years, from 1953 until her retirement in 1984.

            She received her teachers degree in 1971 from Eastern Oregon State College. She also taught evening adult reading classes, tutored students outside of school, and helped students with speeches throughout the years. She was honored as Educator of the Year. Aleene loved all her students and would tell them at the beginning of each school year that this was her best class yet.

            Aleene was very involved in the community. She was a member and held offices in both AAUW and Toastmasters. She was a board member of Friends of the Library in Joseph and a member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority group.

            Aleene was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 58 years, Merle, and grandson Michael Hauser.

            She is survived by her three children and their spouses: son Gary and his wife Susan Alford of Joseph; daughter Marietta Hauser of Meridian, Idaho; and son John and his wife Jeannie of Joseph. She also leaves behind five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.

            Funeral services will be held at Bollman’s Funeral Home in Enterprise 2 p.m. Feb. 20, 2009.

            Contributions may be made to the Cancer Foundation or Joseph Education Foundation in her memory.


In another article:



La Grande, Union Co., OR—17 February 2009


            Aleene Claire Barton Alford, 86, formerly of Joseph, died Feb. 12 at St. Luke Hospital in Meridian, Idaho. Funeral services will begin at 2 p.m. Friday at Bollman’s Funeral Home in Enterprise.

            Aleene was born Aug. 4, 1922, to Arthur and Grace Barton in La Grande. She lived and grew up in Shevlin most of her childhood. She attended the school in Shevlin through fourth grade, and then finished her schooling in LaPine.

            As a high school student Aleene was very active on the debate team. She was school editor, played basketball and competed in and won several speech contests locally and at the state level. In May 1940, she graduated valedictorian of the LaPine High School, receiving a scholarship to attend Eastern Oregon College of Education in La Grande.

            After receiving her teacher’s certificate in 1943 she taught first grade in Milton-Freewater.

            On Nov. 9, 1943, Aleene and Merle Alford married in Nampa, Idaho. They moved to Sebring, Fla., while Merle was still in the Army Air Force. Aleene taught preschool while they lived there.

            They then moved back to Joseph to help run the Alford Ranch. Aleene taught fifth and sixth grades in Lostine. She then taught first grade in the Joseph Elementary School for 31 years, from 1953 until her retirement in 1984. She received her teachers degree in 1971 from Eastern Oregon State College. She also taught evening adult reading classes, tutored students outside of school and helped students with speeches throughout the years. She was honored as Educator of the Year.

            Aleene was a member and held offices in both AAUW and the Toastmistress Organization. She was a board member of Friends of the Library in Joseph and a member of Beta Sigma Phi sorority.

            She is survived by her three children and their spouses: son, Gary and his wife, Susan Alford, of Joseph, daughter, Marietta Hauser of Meridian, Idaho, son, John and his wife, Jeannie, of Joseph; five grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Aleene was preceded in death by her husband of 58 years, Merle; and her grandson, Michael Hauser.

            Memorial contributions may be made to the Cancer Foundation or Joseph Education Foundation


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Aleene C. Alford (SS# issued in OR), last residence Midvale, Washington Co., ID.

            We included the obituaries of her husband Merle Leonard Alford, which includes a photo of their shared gravestone; and son Gary Leonard Alford in Oregon Obituaries.




Grandmother of Gordon Alford Matlock, AAFA #0829



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Monday, 10 December 1979


            Mrs. Alice C. Alford, 97, secretary of the Tribune Publishing Co. and widow of the co-founder of the Lewiston Morning Tribune, died at 9:02 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

            Mrs. Alford, the widow of E.L. Alford, who died April 16, 1946, had been in failing health. She was hospitalized two hours before her death.

            Only a decision made by her mother, Mrs. S.G. Larson a few weeks prior to Oct. 22, 1882, prevented Mrs. Alford from being probably the oldest native-born resident of Lewiston. Her mother traveled to Dayton and the home of her own parents to await the birth of her first and only child, returning to Lewiston a few weeks later.

            Mrs. Alford’s father was an early day Lewiston contractor. A native of Sweden, he came to Lewiston in 1880. He had learned the trade of plasterer in Chicago and had lived in California and at Walla Walla and Dayton before moving to Lewiston. Larson was associated with Harry Madwick, a Lewiston contractor, and helped with the construction of many of Lewiston’s first public buildings and private homes, including the old wing of the Nez Perce County Courthouse constructed in 1889 and the first Lewiston State Normal administration building.

            Throughout her life, Mrs. Alford was an intensely private person, limiting her memberships to a few organizations and concentrating on her family and household. She had been a member at one time of the Ladies Aid of Congregational-Presbyterian (Federated) Church, of which she was a lifelong member, the Twentieth Century Club of Lewiston, and Masonic organizations for women.

            Upon the death of her husband in 1946, Mrs. Alford became active as a director of the Tribune Publishing Co., in which she was a majority stockholder. During the next 33 years she played a leading role in the growth and expansion of the publishing company and its parent company, the Lewiston Morning Tribune. Even at an advanced age, Mrs. Alford was not reluctant to accept and encourage changes in the fast-paced publishing field.

            She was the widow of the Tribune’s publisher, E.L. Alford, the mother of its second editor and publisher, A.L. Alford and the grandmother of its third and current editor and publisher, A.L. Alford Jr.

            Mrs. Alford graduated from Lewiston High School and attended the former Lewiston State Normal School as one of its first students prior to her marriage to Alford March 16, 1901, at Lewiston. For their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Alford went to San Francisco via steamboat and train with their close friends, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Salsberg.

            Alford and his brother, Albert H. Alford, two brothers from Texas, came to Lewiston from Portland in 1892 to found the Tribune, a weekly newspaper. Their decision to pick Lewiston as the location was based on the imminent arrival of the railroad here and a belief that opening of the Nez Perce Indian Reservation would herald an era of prosperity.

            The first Alford home was at 140 10th St. on the Lewiston Flat. In 1916, they purchased the W.C. Brooks residence at 819 6th Ave., and lived there until her death.

            For many years, Mrs. Alford spent her summers at a family vacation retreat on the Oregon coast near Seaside. She also spent many winters in recent years at Phoenix, Ariz., and Palm Springs, Calif. [The remainder of this article is missing.]


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ Dec 1979) dates of Alice Alford (SS# issued in ID), last residence Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of her children Albert Larson Alford Sr., Eugenia Alford Hamblin, George Gordon Alford, and Mary Alice Alford Matlock in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her husband’s lineage: Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX1, George Frederick 1836 MO2, George G. 1793 NY3, George 1764 CT4, Benedict 1716 CT5, Benedict 1688 CT6, Jeremiah 1655 CT7, Benedict 1619 England8, Thomas 1598 England9.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Wednesday, 17 February 1943


            Alice Alvord Carver, 72, died Tuesday at a Boise hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Carver came to Boise from Nebraska in 1908, and was a member of the First Congregational church and the Whitney Progress club.

            Survivors include three brothers, Henry M. Alvord of Boise, and Charles J. Alvord and Leslie E. Alvord, both of Iowa, and three sisters, Mrs. Jessie L. Lindstrom of Iowa, Mrs. L. Hattie Berg of Chicago and Mabel E. Vermilya.

            Services will be held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at the Boise chapel…. Burial will be at Morris Hill.


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of her siblings Hartley Dwight Alvord and Melzar Henry Alvord in this compilation.

            Alice was the daughter of Henry Dwight Alvord and Martha Eliza Rawson.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her ALVORD lineage: Alice Martha 1870 IA1, Henry Dwight 1823 NY2, Melzar 1793 MA3, Bezaleel 1762 MA4, Azariah 1738 MA5, John 1711 MA6, John 1685 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.




Aunt of Velda Lee Alvord Greenwell, AAFA #0900

Posted to her Find A Grave memorial by Dan Fowler – used with permission



Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—31 August 1953


            Mrs. Amy A. Hadley, 69, Emmett resident who was visiting in Twin Falls with her son, died Monday at Magic Valley Memorial hospital. She had been there a week.

            Mrs. Hadley was born May 30, 1884 in Weber County, Utah and had resided in Idaho since 1910. She was a member of the LDS Church.

            Surviving are her husband, John E. Hadley, Emmett; four sons, J. Roy Hadley, Blackfoot; Harold Hadley and Alvin Hadley, both of Emmett; and Carl A. Hadley, Twin Falls; four daughters, Mrs. Florence Havlicak, American Falls; Mrs. Doris Relmann, Emmett; Mrs. Allene Fowers, Ogden, and Mrs. Elda Thomson, Mayfield; 25 grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Susan F. Winter, Ogden, and Mrs. Florence Greenwell, Paul.

            The body will be sent by the Twin Falls mortuary to Emmett for funeral services and burial.


Photo from Riverside Cemetery, Emmett, Gem Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Dan Fowler


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of her sister Florence Alvord Greenwell; and half-sister Delia J. Alvord Cazier in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her parents, Joseph Bonaparte Alvord and Sarah Elizabeth Mower Alvord; and sister Susan Alvord Farr Hunter in Utah Obituaries. We included the obituary of her brother Joseph Leroy Alvord in California Obituaries.

            Her Find A Grave memorial includes an additional photo of her and excerpts from an autobiography she wrote.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her ALVORD lineage: Amy 1884 UT1, Joseph Bonaparte 1830 MI2, Thaddeus 1781 MA3, Joseph 1733 MA4, Joseph 1697 MA5, Ebenezer 1665 MA6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Coeur D’Alene, Kootenai Co., ID—Wednesday, 2 May 2012


            Annette Louise Aiello (Halford) died peacefully at her home in Coeur d’Alene on April 27, 2012.

            She was born to Alfred Halford and Cleo Ruth Salters in Butte, Mont., on Jan. 31, 1949.

            She lived the past 35 years in Coeur d’Alene.

            After receiving her GED she went on to obtain her associate’s degree at North Idaho College. Before recently retiring she worked for Center Partners for the past 12 years. She was a member of the Dalton Gardens Church of Christ where she had attended since 1977. Her favorite pastime was being a grandmother.

            She is survived by her two daughters, Anita Halford and Micheail Aiello and her granddaughter, Ashley Huffman.

            Annette was a child of God still being molded.

            She battled diabetes for 56 years and had now gone to be with the Lord.

            She was preceded in death by her father, Al Halford; her mother, Cleo Ruth Salters; her sister, Nora Lee Halford and her brother, Steven Halford.

            Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, May 4, 2012, at the Dalton Gardens Church of Christ, 6439 N. Fourth St. (corner of Fourth and Hanley).

            Should friends desire, contributions may be sent to 3434 E. First Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Annette L. Aiello (SS# issued in CA), last residence not listed.




Great-Grandmother of Gordon Alford Matlock, AAFA #0829



Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO—Saturday, 14 December 1918




            Word has been received here of the death Thursday [December 12], in Lewiston, Idaho, of the widow of Gen. George F. Alford, a pioneer of Texas, who died several years ago in Dallas.

            Mrs. Alford, who was 75 years old, was living in Lewiston with her two sons, Albert Alford and E.L. Alford, editor of the Lewiston Tribune. She also leaves two daughters, Mrs. W.L. Evans, Dallas, Tex., and Mrs. M.M. Edmonson, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Milton Welsh, Jr., 3807 Warwick Boulevard.


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of her sons Albert Hulbert Alford and Eugene Lemuel Alford in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her husband, George Frederick Alford; and daughter Harriet L. Alford Evans in Texas Obituaries; and daughter Linda D. Alford Edmonson in Missouri Obituaries.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her husband’s lineage: George Frederick 1836 MO1, George G. 1793 NY2, George 1764 CT3, Benedict 1716 CT4, Benedict 1688 CT5, Jeremiah 1655 CT6, Benedict 1619 England7, Thomas 1598 England8.





[He died in Idaho, but we are also including his obituary in Utah Obituaries because he apparently lived in Ogden, UT, and is buried there.]!MZM0sweHWLpdj3kDkyvX!LgWA70_67l6rY7W4Tv06osT4DDxUosqdMl7T

Archie Ray Alford and his mother, Elizabeth Down Alford

Archie Alford

Archie Ray Alford

Photos posted to FamilySearch by Heidi Ferrin Simmons—used with permission



Ogden, Weber Co., UT—Saturday, 29 May 1937


            Archie Alford, 33, of Ogden, died Thursday [May 27] afternoon in Hailey [Blaine Co.], Ida., following a short illness, according to word received by Mrs. Mary T. Allen, West Twelfth, today. He had been connected with CCC work.

            He was the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Davis Alford. He was a member of the L.D.S. church.

            He is survived by a brother and sister, James W. Alford, and Mrs. Conrad Stanley, both of Ogden and a half-brother, Harold Carey, Perry.

            The body will arrive in Ogden at ten-fifteen tonight. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at two p.m. at Lindquist & Sons’ chapel under direction of the L.D.S. Seventh ward elders’ quorum. Friends may call at the chapel Sunday until time of service. Burial will be in Ogden city cemetery.


Photo from Ogden City Cemetery, Ogden, Weber Co., UT—

Permission granted by the photographer, Jason O’Driscoll


AAFA NOTES: We included the obituaries of his mother, Elizabeth Down Alford, in Utah Obituaries; and brother Samuel Leslie Alford in Montana Obituaries.




Ogden, Weber Co., UT—Tuesday, 31 August 1909




            Mrs. Lizzie Alford, her two children, Samuel Leslie Alford, aged two years, and Archie Ray Alford, aged six years, and her niece, Sadie Alford, were found by Chief of Police Browning yesterday morning and sent to the Crittenton home.

            Mrs. Alford and the three children who were only half clad and were half starved, got off the train coming from Nevada and after being refused admittance at several of the rooming houses of the city, went to the City Hall park, where they were found by Chief Browning.

            When taken to the Crittenton home Mrs. Alford said that she and her husband had been living in a tent on McIntosh’s ranch near Wells, Nevada. She had come hither to find a home and her husband was to follow her in a few days.

            The woman and the children are without money and are badly in need.

            It is probable that steps will be taken today to secure financial aid for the unfortunate mother and children by popular subscription.


            His lineage: Archie Ray 1903 ID1, Samuel David 1875 UT2, John W. 1846 England3, William 1816 England4.






San Diego, San Diego Co., CA—Sunday, 23 February 1997

Published in AAFA ACTION, Fall 1997


            Alvord, Ardith W., of Tendoy [Lemhi Co.], Idaho died Tues, Feb. 18, 1997. Service will be held Wed. Feb. 26, 1997, 1 p.m. at Greenwood Mortuary [San Diego, San Diego Co., CA].

            Mrs. Alvord was born Sept. 29, 1929 in San Diego, CA. She and her husband Jack E. Alvord Jr. owned a concrete company in El Cajon for 35 years and retired to Tendoy, Idaho in 1991.

            She is survived by her husband Jack of 49 years, daughter Belinda Christensen, son Barry Alvord, grandchildren Jennifer, Rebecca and Claire, great granddaughter Rachel and mother-in-law Juanita Alvord....

Photos from Greenwood Memorial Park, San Diego, San Diego Co., CA—

Permission granted by the photographer, CJ Jackson

Her crypt is above the crypts of her husband’s parents.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Ardith Alvord (SS# issued in CA).

            We included the obituaries of her husband’s parents, John Edwin “Jack” Alvord and Juanita Grace Gebert Alvord, in California Obituaries.

            California Birth Index, 1905–1995 (Ancestry) lists the birth of Ardith Winona Johnson in San Diego Co. on 29 Sept 1929. Her mother’s maiden name was Yerkes.

            U.S. Public Records Index (Ancestry) lists Jack E. Alvord, b. 31 March 1930, living in Tendoy, ID.

            California Birth Index, 1905–1995, lists the birth of John Edwin Alvord in San Diego Co. on 31 March 1930. His mother’s maiden name was Gebert.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her husband’s ALVORD lineage: John Edwin 1930 CA1, John Edwin 1907 MN2, Justin Lyle 1873 MN3, William Edwin 1845 NY4, Justin 1805 MA5, Justin 1763 MA6, Job 1729 MA7, John 1685 MA8, Thomas 1653 CT9, Alexander 1627 England10, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England11.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Tuesday, 21 June 2005


            Barbara J. Halford, 61, of Idaho Falls, died Friday, June 17, 2005.

            Barbara was born Dec. 3, 1944, in La Junta, Colo., to Grover B. and Willa Fay Highfill McMurdo. She was a strong-willed person who could do anything she set her mind to. Barbara had her license in Cosmetology for both Idaho and Arizona. She worked in several beauty salons over the years, as well as owning her own. She sewed many of her children’s clothes and costumes when they were young. Barbara loved to knit and was always making blankets and things for her children and grandchildren. She loved her dogs and horses and always enjoyed riding her horses in the country, whether she was in Idaho, Wyoming or Arizona. She loved the outdoors no matter where she was. Barbara was a talented person who did many different things in her life. As a single mother of four, she raised and loved her children the best that she knew how. She always worked hard to provide for them. She especially loved her grandchildren and telling everyone how wonderful and smart they all were.

            She was preceded in death by her parents; and her second husband, Richard Garner.

            She is survived by her four children, Lesa K. (Russell) Brown of Casper, Wyo., Perry L. Grant of Casper, Wyo., Lori A. (Todd) Flor of Sierra Vista, Ariz. and Robert G. Grant of Casper, Wyo.; her husband, Danny Halford of Ucon; her brothers, Terry (Cathy) McMurdo of McCammon, Lynn (April) McMurdo of Afton, Wyo., Skip (Melanie) McMurdo of Idaho Falls; her six grandchildren, Nathan and Kristen Wagoner, Jarred and Garrett Grant and Katy and Joshua Flor; and many nieces and nephews.

            Memorial services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 22, at Buck-Miller-Hann Funeral Home, 825 E. 17th St. in Idaho Falls.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Barbara J. Halford (SS# issued in ID), last residence not listed.





Bertha in about 1938

Photo from jessikaann1’s Our Family Tree (Ancestry)—used with permission



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Thursday, 30 January 1997


            Bertha Halford Brooks, 78, of Meridian [Ada Co.], died Saturday, Jan. 25, 1997 at home of natural causes. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, Jan 31, 1997 at Cloverdale Funeral Home.... Burial will follow in Cloverdale Memorial Park. Services are under the direction of Cloverdale Funeral Home.

            Bertha was born Feb. 16, 1918 in McCammon [Bannock Co.], Idaho. She had four older brothers and four older sisters and one younger sister. She attended school in Montana and Utah. At age 14, she began her retail clerk’s career. Fifty-five years later, she retired from retail, at which time she became a part-time price surveyor for an additional six years. She married Robert Brooks on June 17, 1939 in Ogden, Utah. The marriage was solemnized in the Idaho Falls Temple at a later date after their transfer to Pocatello. They were blessed with two daughters and two sons. After 18 years of marriage, at age 39 in 1957, she was widowed. She continued to reside in Pocatello, raising her four children and a dog. In 1974 she moved to Meridian where she resided until her death.

            She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Doyle and Sheila Brooks of Boise; her daughter, Karci Walker of Meridian, her daughter and son-in-law, Jacki and Keith Smith of Meridian, two sisters, Beth Olson of Portland and Edna Smith of Los Angeles, Calif.; 12 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, one son, one grandson, three sisters and four brothers....


Photo from Cloverdale Memorial Park, Boise, Ada Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sheryl


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Bertha H. Brooks (SS# issued in UT).

            See the obituary of her cousin Howard Levi Halford in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her parents, William Oliver Halford and Eliza Ann Ward Halford, in Utah Obituaries; sister Betty Jean Halford Olsen in Oregon Obituaries; and sister Edna Eliza Halford Colman Smith in California Obituaries.

            Online family trees list Bertha Gwendolyn Halford’s parents as William Oliver Halford and Eliza Ann Ward. William’s parents were Joseph Henry Halford and Emma Hoskins.

            On the 1920 census Bertha is listed with her parents and siblings in Goshen, Bingham Co., ID, dwelling #135: William Halford, farmer age 46 b. UT; his wife Eliza A. 42 ID; and children, all b. ID: Sarah A. 14, Edna E. 12, Joseph W. 10, George A. 4-2/12, and Bertha E. 1-2/12.

            In 1930 they are in Ogden, Weber Co., UT: Wm. O. Halford, farmer age 56 b. UT; his wife Eliza A. 52 ID; and children: Joseph W. 20 ID, George A. 14 ID, Bertha G. 12 ID, and Bettie J. 6 UT.

            In 1940 Bertha and her husband Robert are living with Bertha’s mother, still in Ogden: Eliza Halford, 62 ID, widow; daughter Betty Jean Halford 16 UT; son-in-law Robert Brooks 24 NE; and daughter Bertha Brooks 22 ID. Eliza was not a widow—she was probably divorced.

            The Early Latter-day Saints website ( lists Joseph Henry Halford, b. 14 Feb 1842 in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL. He d. on 20 Apr 1907 in Portage, Box Elder Co., UT. His parents were Joseph Halford, b. 1805 (d. 6 Jan 1843 in Nauvoo) and Eliza Crook. Joseph’s parents are listed as Joseph Halford and Elizabeth Hopkins.

            Ancestry’s Millenium File lists Joseph Halford Jr., b. 1803 in Tredington, Gloucestershire, England. His wife is listed as Eliza Crook, but his death date in Nauvoo is 15 Feb 1843. His father is Joseph Halford.

            Our Family Tree on Ancestry, owned by jessikaann1, includes many photographs, documents, and stories pertaining to this family.

            Her HALFORD lineage: Bertha Gwendolyn 1918 ID1, William Oliver 1873 UT2, Joseph Henry 1842 IL3, Joseph 1803/1805 England4, Joseph 1766 England5.




Aunt of Gordon Alford Matlock, AAFA #0829



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Wednesday, 9 September 1964





            Mrs. Catherine Hahn Alford [missing text] died early yesterday at her residence, 1402 8th Ave. [missing text] the wife of A.L. Alford, co-owner and editor of the Lewiston Morning Tribune.

            Mr. Alford found the [missing text] slumped in a walker in the [missing text] room of their dwelling, when he came from his upstairs bedroom for breakfast. She had suffered from multiple sclerosis for more than 10 years and could not walk without assistance. She was watching a late television show when her husband had gone to bed and apparently had crossed the room to turn off the receiving set when she was stricken.

            Mrs. Alford was a lifetime resident of Lewiston, born here June 11, 1904, to the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hahn. Her father was a pioneer plumber in the community and founder of the present Hahn Supply Co.

            Mrs. Alford attended St. Stanislaus Elementary School and was graduated from Lewiston High School. She attended the former Lewiston State Normal School and the University of Idaho, Moscow, where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She received her bachelor’s degree at the University of Washington, Seattle, and her master’s degree at Trinity College, Washington D.C.

            She spent a year at New York, N.Y., serving as a welfare worker and returned to Lewiston in 1928 for a business career before her marriage. She was a saleswoman for a music company and later for the former [missing text] C. Beach Co. department store. She was then manager of the Lewiston office of the Inland Automobile Ass’n.


WED IN 1931


            Mr. and Mrs. Alford were married Jan. 10, 1931, at Lewiston. Her club activities included membership in the Tsceminicum Club, St. Mary’s Junior League, the Welfare League, and the Sewing Club. Before her illness she had been active in sports as a swimmer and a golfer at the Lewiston Golf & Country Club. She was a communicant of St. Stanislaus Church.

            Mrs. Alford is survived by her husband and by two sons, Charles H. and Albert L. Alford Jr., and a grandson, Albert L. Alford III, all of Lewiston.

            A rosary service will be held this evening at 7:30 at Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home. Requiem mass will be celebrated tomorrow at 11 a.m. at St. Stanislaus Church.


In another article:



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Wednesday, 9 September 1964




            Catherine Hahn Alford never aspired to greatness, though sometimes the great and near-great visited her world. She wanted only to be gay and happy and courageous.

            This was not easy for her, as the fates arranged her destiny. Perhaps it is not easy for any wife of a newspaper publisher and editor. The diverse forces and factions of a community or a state constantly tug and shove in their efforts to communicate their ideas, ambitions and fears to that formless, fluctuating entity called the public. A publisher driven by a compulsion to produce the best newspaper his mind and heart can encompass stands constantly in the center of praise and blame, appreciation and misunderstanding. His wife, whatever her aspirations, is caught there, too.

            Katie Alford will remain sparkling and gay in the memories of thousands who knew her, but in these later years, after multiple sclerosis had struck her, the gaiety often fought for survival against sudden, unbidden tears.

            Happiness, too, became a precious visitor instead of an abiding companion as the pain increased and the dark shadows hovered closer.

            Courage seemed the most remote dream of all. She was not a very brave girl. Plane travel terrified her most of her life. She suffered when some cruel or ignorant acquaintance subjected her to the cutting edge of an uninformed, vastly opinionated remark on politics or journalism. She was not intended for the world of public controversy and was a most unlikely target for jibes. Still, she hoped and prayed for courage to understand and endure.

            Then a strange thing happened. As the dread illness advanced, she began to find among her doubts and fears an abiding reservoir of religious faith and human strength. In the time of suffering she grew in understanding. As pain increased so did her sympathy, her humility, her courage.

            When the dark shadows fell at last they enveloped a courageous woman. The friends who loved her will be comforted, for this is what she steadfastly prayed to be.—B.J.


In another article:



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—5 March 1965




            The gross estate of Mrs. Catherine H. Alford, who died at Lewiston Sept. 8, 1964, was appraised at $357,260.92, according to a report filed yesterday in probate court.

            The inventory of her estate, of which her widower, A. L. Alford, is executor, listed $236,749.29 as her interest in community property and $120,511 in separate property. The property includes a partnership interest in Hahn Supply Co., bonds, bank accounts, checking accounts, real property and household and personal effects.

            Appraisers were John R. White, James A. Hamm, and Leo W. Jesse, all of Lewiston. Clements & Clements are the attorneys.


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            See the obituaries of her husband, Albert Larson Alford Sr.; her son Charles Hahn Alford; and her grandson Gordon Newell Alford in this compilation.






Aspen, Pitkin Co., CO—Wednesday, 9 December 1925



            Mrs. Cecelia Alford Waters died Sunday morning [December 6] at the home of her son, I.H. Waters, in Caldwell [Canyon Co.], Idaho, after an illness of one week. She was 84 years old.

            Mrs. Waters made her home in Aspen for many years and her husband, Sampson Waters died here. Mrs. Waters was greatly beloved by a host of friends in this city who testify to her splendid qualities.

            She is survived by her son, I.H. Waters, a daughter, Mrs. Jennie O. Carr, of Brighton, Colorado, and grandchildren. Interment will be made in Denver.



Photo from Riverside Cemetery, Denver, Denver Co., CO—

Taken by inactive photographer Katy C


AAFA NOTES: The Find A Grave memorials for both Sampson and Cecelia say they were born in England.





[He died in WA, but we are including his obituary here because his home was in ID.]


Source unknown, but probably:


Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Saturday, 19 January 1980




            Charles Hahn Alford, 45, president of Hahn Supply Inc. of Lewiston and a director and stockholder of the Tribune Publishing Co., was killed shortly after midnight Friday [January 18] when his car plunged down a 150-foot embankment on the Joseph Creek Road 26 miles southeast of Clarkston [Asotin Co., WA].

            Asotin County Sheriff Herbert C. Reeves said Alford was driving alone back down the steep grade when the accident occurred. The county road makes a gradual turn at the point where the car went over the bank, Reeves said.

            Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberman, whose ranch is at the foot of the grade, told Reeves they heard a car going up the hill about 11 p.m. Thursday and a car coming down shortly after midnight. Reeves said this apparently was Alford’s 1977 Dodge Monaco.

            Reeves said the car rolled over several times and landed on its wheels on a private road leading to the Rogersburg Housing Development along the Grand Ronde River. Alford was thrown into the back seat of the vehicle. Death was due to head and internal injuries.

            The car was found Friday morning about 9:30 by a rancher Art Keefer, who called Reeves.

            Alford had been president of Hahn Supply since early 1974. He and his brother A. L. (Butch) Alford Jr., were co-owners of the firm founded by their maternal grandfather, Charles Hahn.

            Before moving to Hahn Supply, Alford was associate publisher and advertising director of the Tribune, a position he had held since Jan. l, 1969. He was advertising manager from March 22, 1961, until being named associate publisher.

            Alford’s association with the Tribune, a newspaper co-founded by his paternal grandfather, E.L. Alford, in 1892, began during the summer of 1948 when he was employed as an office boy. He worked in this capacity during the summers of 1949 and 1950. During the summers of 1954 and 1955 he was an advertising salesman. He started work full time July 1, 1956.

            In addition to being part of the Lewiston-Clarkston business community, Alford maintained a lifelong interest in horse racing. He owned several race horses of his own and shared the ownership of others through membership in a syndicate. His horses raced at Spokane, Portland and Seattle.

            He was a communicant of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church and belonged to the Lewiston Elks Lodge and the Phi Chi social fraternity of Lewiston.

            Alford was born at Lewiston May 1, 1934, the son of A.L. (Bud) Alford and Catherine Hahn Alford. His father was editor and publisher of the Tribune at the time of his death July 20, 1968.

            After graduating from Lewiston High School in 1952, Alford took his training in business and advertising at the University of Idaho from 1952 to 1956. He was affiliated with the Sigma Nu fraternity at the university.

            He married the former Amy DeMers at Ephrata, Wash., Aug. 17, 1962.

            In addition to his wife at the family home, 650 20th Ave., he is survived by a daughter, Catherine M. Alford of Lewiston and a stepson, Mark DeMers, of Phoenix, Ariz.

            Rosary will be recited at 7:30 Monday night at the Vassar-Rawls Chapel. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church. The Rev. George Purdy will officiate. Burial will be at Normal Hill Cemetery.


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death [____ Jan 1980] dates of Charles Alford (SS# issued in ID), last residence not listed.

            See the obituaries of his parents, Albert Larson Alford Sr. and Catherine Hahn Alford, in this compilation.

            From Washington Death Index, 1940–2014: Charles H. Alford, age 45, died 18 Jan 1980 in Asotin Co., WA.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Charles Hahn 1934 ID1, Albert Larson 1907 ID2, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX3, George Frederick 1836 MO4, George G. 1793 NY5, George 1764 CT6, Benedict 1716 CT7, Benedict 1688 CT8, Jeremiah 1655 CT9, Benedict 1619 England10, Thomas 1598 England11.






Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—Sunday, 18 April 1976



Photo from Minidoka Acequia Rupert Cemetery, Rupert, Minidoka Co., ID—

Taken by Find A Grave contributor ForeverRemembered


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ Apr 1976) dates of Clara Johnson (SS# issued in ID), last residence Rupert, Minidoka Co., ID.

            We included the obituary of her son Jere Arthur Alford in Arizona Obituaries.

            From ID Births: Clara Barton Pearl Sweet was born 6 Sept 1900 in Mapleton, Franklin Co., ID, daughter of Charles U. Sweet and Olive M. Nichols.

            From ID Marriages: Clora B. Sweet married Arthur M. Alford on 21 Nov 1917 in Bannock Co., ID.

            From Utah, Select Marriages (Ancestry): Clara Alford, age 22 divorced, born 6 Sept 1900 in Mapelton, ID, daughter of Charles A. Sweet and Olive M. Nichols, married Gust Koros in Cache Co., UT, on 2 Apr 1923.

            From Utah, Select County Marriages (Ancestry): Clara B. Alford, age 26, married Homer H. Johnson in Millard Co., UT, on 13 June 1927.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #3.

            Her first husband’s lineage: Arthur Monroe 1883 MO1, Jeremiah C. 1852 TN2, John M. 1821 TN3, John 1786 NC4.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Sunday, 6 March 2016


Cleo Yvonne Alvord Obituary


            Cleo Yvonne Williams Alvord, age 98, passed away peacefully Thursday, February 25, 2016 in Boise. The sorrow of family left behind is exceeded only by the joy of those waiting to welcome her on the other side.

            She was born October 11, 1917 in Cedar City, Utah, the oldest of five children of Melburn Williams and Dora Urie Williams. Raised in Cedar City, Cleo grew up with a love for the outdoors. With her two younger sisters and two younger brothers, she grew up in a wonderful family. After high school, she set out to seek her fortune in Ogden Utah, where she met her future husband Darrell “Duke” Alvord. After a brief romance, Cleo broke several hearts by declaring Duke to be the love of her life and married him in Ogden, Utah on January 17, 1938. They celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary in 2013, shortly before Duke passed away.

            Cleo and Duke settled down in Ogden, where their first three children, Darrell “Fred”, Sherry and Mel were born. While Duke was establishing his career with Union Pacific Railroad, Cleo was establishing her career as a loving mother and homemaker. In 1950, the family relocated to Boise, where their fourth child, Chet was born and where she lived for the rest of her life. Cleo loved the ocean, particularly in Southern California, where she often vacationed with family and friends. She loved her dogs and all the wildlife she fed over the years in her back yard. Above all, she loved her husband, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. In turn, she was loved by all her family, who in particular appreciated her great sense of humor, her wonderful meals, and her concern for each of them. Every grandchild felt that they were Cleo’s favorite. She was close to all her nieces and nephews, all of who took great joy from “Aunt Cleo’s” sense of humor and importance of family. She will be greatly missed by all.

            She was preceded in death by her husband, Duke; her oldest son, Darrell “Fred;” two sisters, two brothers, her parents, a great grandson and a great granddaughter.

            She is survived by her daughter, Sherry (Richard) Van Wagenen of Newport Beach, California; sons, Mel of Pleasant Grove, Utah and Chet (Debi) of Boise, Idaho; 17 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren.

            The family extends their deepest appreciation to her many caregivers and the staff of Emerson House and Signature Hospice who comforted and cared for Cleo in her final years and days.

            Per Cleo’s request, a burial dedication was held February 26, 2016 at Dry Creek Cemetery. Cleo would have taken great delight in the fact that all the women who attended served as pallbearers. A private family celebration of her life will be held March 12, 2016. In lieu of flowers, Cleo asked that donations be made to the Idaho Humane Society.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list her death.

            See the obituary of her husband, Darrell Friend “Duke” Alvord, in this compilation. It includes a photo of their shared gravestone—posted in 2015, Cleo’s death date is not been engraved.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Thursday, 14 April 2005


            Darrell Halford III, 26, Boise, died Sunday. Memorial services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday at St. Paul´s Baptist Church, Boise. Arrangements under the direction of Aclesa Funeral Chapel.


In another article:



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Wednesday, 15 April 2005


            A fight and shooting that left a 26-year-old man dead in a Fairview Avenue parking lot Sunday night could be gang-related, Boise police say.

            Investigators are continuing to look for a group of men suspected of driving into the Albertsons grocery store parking lot at Fairview and Cole Road, where they beat and shot Darrell Halford at about 8:45 p.m. Sunday.

            Halford, who was walking near the Fairview-Cole intersection, reportedly shouted out what could be a gang slogan at two passing vehicles, Boise police spokeswoman Lynn Hightower said Monday....

            “It’s one of several things we are looking at,” she said.

            Halford died from a gunshot to the chest, Ada County Coroner Erwin Sonnenberg said Monday.

            Hightower said investigators are not sure if Halford knew his attackers. Halford was walking with a 15-year-old boy, who later was determined to be a runaway from Utah. The boy gave officers a good description of the attackers and described the incident, Hightower said.

            Witnesses gave this account to police:

            Halford and the boy were walking in the Albertsons parking lot when the driver of a passing car stuck his hand out the window and made some kind of sign. Halford then reportedly yelled out, “West Side Riders,” which investigators suspect could be gang-related.

            Two cars, a red import model and a black Honda, pulled into the parking lot. Halford ran toward the cars, and the red car’s driver threw a beer can in his face.

            At that point, four to eight men got out of the cars and attacked Halford, beating him to the ground.

            Witnesses heard a single gunshot and saw a passenger from the red car holding a large handgun. The men got back into the cars and drove south on Cole Road.

            Emergency crews treated Halford in the parking lot, then transported him to Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. He was declared dead at the hospital, according to reports.

            Police know little about Halford. Hightower said he is not from the Boise area but had lived here for a few years. At the time of Sunday’s shooting, he was living in a Boise motel, she said.

            A search of Ada County court records shows Halford had several misdemeanor convictions but no felonies....


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list his death.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—16 March 2013




            Darrell Friend “Duke” Alvord, 97, passed away on March 13, 2013 with family members close at his side. The sorrow of those left behind is exceeded only by the joy of those waiting to welcome him on the other side. Duke was born August 24, 1915 in Brigham City, Utah, to Friend LeRoy and Mattie Higley Alvord.

            Duke was born two months premature and his loving mother passed away just eleven days after Duke’s birth.

            He married the love of his life, Cleo Yvonne Williams from Cedar City, Utah , 75 years ago on January 17, 1938 in Ogden, Utah.

            Their early years in Ogden reflected Duke’s penchant for hard work, and he was promoted to depot passenger agent. After proving himself in Ogden, in 1950 he was offered a transfer to Boise and a promotion to passenger traffic agent. Duke and Cleo picked up their three small children, Darrell Fred, Sherry and Mel and moved to Idaho. Shortly after moving to Boise, a fourth child, Chet, was added to the family. Duke’s career flourished and he progressed to General Traffic Agent for Treasure Valley and eastern Oregon. He served Union Pacific diligently until his retirement in 1975.

            Duke was always active in civic and governmental affairs in Boise. He served as President of the Treasure Valley Chamber of Commerce, the Traffic Club, Toastmasters, and the Treasure Valley Railroad Club, receiving the “Spark Plug” award from the Boise Chamber of Commerce as the outstanding member of the year for 1972. In 1975, the Idaho Statesman recognized him with the “Portrait of a Distinguished Citizen”. In addition, in 1974, it was revealed that he was Boise’s mystery Santa Claus, for years dropping by houses of the less fortunate with small gifts for the children.

            Duke was an avid outdoorsman. While he enjoyed hunting birds and big game, he absolutely excelled as a fisherman. He has collected trophy fish everywhere from the Oregon coast to the waters of Southern California and all parts of Idaho and Utah. He was a very competitive golfer, playing at his best when there was a little money on the line. He was also known as a gin rummy shark, fleecing friends as well as his own grandchildren.

            One of his most endearing qualities was his ready smile. This trait, coupled with a giveaway twitchy lip identified him at once as a friend to all.

            In later years, he turned to gardening and cooking as a great source of entertainment. Perhaps the most famous was his home made jerky. Friends all over the west have been recipients of packages of jerky.

            Duke always overcame the odds. From his premature birth and loss of his mother, to heart bypass surgery, a stroke, a bout with cancer and diabetes, Duke really proved himself to be the ultimate survivor.

            Duke is survived by Cleo Williams Alvord, his wife of 75 years; his daughter, Sherry (Richard) Van Wagenen of Sundance, Utah and Newport Beach, California; sons, Mel (Asia) Alvord of Cedar Hills, Utah and Chet (Debi) Alvord of Boise; and daughter-in-law, Susan Alvord of Boise. Also surviving are 19 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his oldest son, Darrell Fred Alvord; a great granddaughter; a great grandson; his parents; and his sister, Florence Alvord Mann.

            The family extends their deepest appreciation and gratitude to the caregivers and hospice staff who comforted and cared for Duke in his final days.

            Funeral Services will be held at 1:00 pm, Monday, March 18, 2013 at Summers Funeral Home, 1205 West Bannock Street, Boise. Interment will follow at Dry Creek Cemetery. The family invites all to join them in celebrating his life.

            In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Idaho Humane Society or your favorite charity .

            Memories and condolences may be shared with the family on Duke’s memorial web page at

Photo from Dry Creek Cemetery, Boise, Ada County, ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, thomasbiggins


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list death.

            See the obituary of his wife, Cleo Yvonne Williams Alvord, in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Darrell Friend 1938 UT1, Friend LeRoy 1888 UT2, Irvin Thaddeus 1860 UT3, Simeon Riley 1837 MO4, Thaddeus 1781 MA5, Joseph 1733 MA6, Joseph 1697 MA7, Ebenezer 1665 MA8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.






Ogden, Weber Co., UT—Wednesday, 6 June 2001


ISLAND PARK, Idaho—Darrell William Alford, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend passed away suddenly on Monday, June 4, 2001, in Island Park, Idaho, his favorite place in the world. He was 52 years old.

            Darrell was born May 29, 1949 to Dale William Alford and Shirley Erwin Hoover. He spent most of his youth in Ogden, Utah where he attended Ben Lomond High School. He served his country proudly during the Vietnam War and in the U.S. Army for 22 years.

            Darrell loved his family. He was married previously to Brigitte Kursinger, with whom he had a daughter, and the late Ranae Malan, who gave him eight children. In 1988 he married Christine Peterson. Together they helped raise a large and diverse group of children. It wasn’t always easy, but the trials helped deepen and strengthen their relationship. They were thrilled to be living in Island Park where they found great joy in being together in such beautiful surroundings.

            After his retirement from military service, Darrell worked for many years as a correctional officer in Boise and St. Anthony and was recently a caretaker at Grey Wolf Retreat and at the Island Park Village Resort. He was a longtime member of the Fremont County Search and Rescue Team and the Island Park Volunteer Fire Department. His greatest passion in life was helping others. Many times he risked his own personal safety to rescue someone in distress. In so many ways he was an example of sacrifice and selflessness.

            He is survived by his loving wife, Christine; daughters Melanie (Jim) Snider, Tiana (Travis) Daley, Kirsten Alford and Brianne Alford; sons Nathan Alford, Cody Alford, Travis Alford and Garrett Alford; stepsons Eric Gill and Porter Lunak; brothers Mark Alford and Larry (Page) Hoover; sisters Kathi (David) Thomas, Lesley (Joe) Tucker and Jean Lehto; his mother; a grandmother, Helen Church; and six grandchildren.

            Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. on Saturday, June 9 at the St. Anthony LDS Third and Fourth Ward chapel (507 West 2nd North). Friends may call one hour prior. A viewing will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 8, at Bidwell Funeral Home, St. Anthony. Interment is in the Island Park Cemetery.


Photo from Island Park Cemetery, Island Park, Fremont Co., ID—

Photo taken by inactive Find A Grave contributor John Warnke


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Darrell W. Alford (SS# issued in NV), last residence not listed.

            See the obituaries of his mother, Shirley Jean Erwin Alford Hoover; and brother Mark Steven Alford in this compilation. We included the obituary of his second wife, Nona Renae Malan Ginez Alford Lunak, in Utah Obituaries.

            His lineage: Darrell William 1949 UT1, Dale William 1923 UT2, James William 1900 ID3, Samuel David 1875 UT4, John W. 1846 England5, William 1816 England6.




Photo from Twin Falls High School year book, 1925 – posted to Find A Grave


Source unknown, but probably:


Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—_____ August 1986


TWIN FALLS—David D. Alvord, 79, of Twin Falls, died Wednesday at his home.

            Born March 18, 1907 in Evanston, Wyo., he came to Twin Falls the same year. He graduated from Twin Falls High School and attended Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., where he was a member of Psi Upsilon.

            He married Rachel Roberts Aug. 16, 1936, in Seattle.

            Mr. Alvord worked for the Idaho Department Stores in Pocatello, Caldwell and Twin Falls, where he worked in retail sales most of his life.

            Surviving are: his wife of Twin Falls; a son, David D. Alvord Jr. of Boise; two daughters, Mrs. John B. (Nan) Hughes of Bothell, Wash., and Betty Kay Alvord of Walnut Creek, Calif.; a sister, May Alvord of Portland, and six grandchildren.

            Mr. Alvord was a member of the Church of the Ascension, Episcopal.

            Funeral arrangements are pending and will be under direction of White Mortuary.

Photo from Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Joseph D. Miller


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that David Alvord (SS# issued in WA) was born 18 March 1907 and died in Aug 1986, last residence Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of his wife, Rachel Roberts Alvord; son David Diocletian Alvord III; parents, David Diocletian Alvord Sr. and Statira M. Wells Alvord; and brother Norman Brumley Alvord in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his sister May Ellen Alvord in Oregon Obituaries; and of his brother Wells Deed Alvord in Wyoming Obituaries

            David is listed with his parents and siblings on the 1930 census in Twin Falls (District 28), Twin Falls Co., ID, dwelling #86: David D. Alvord, life insurance agent age 56 b. ID (parents b. NY and WI); his wife Statira M. 51 WA; sons David D. Jr. 23 WY sheep herder; and Norman B. 20 ID; and 4 women roomers, all teachers.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: David Diocletian 1907 WY1, David Diocletian 1873 ID2, James Hervey 1824 NY3, Dioclesian 1776 CT4, Thomas Gould 1742 CT5, Asahel 1720 MA6, Thomas 1683 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.





Photo from James H. Hawley, ed., History of Idaho: The Gem of the Mountains, Vol. 2, (Chicago, IL: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1920), p. 757 – this book includes his biography


Source unknown, but probably:


Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—_____ March 1944




            Death came to a Twin Falls pioneer of 1906 when David Diocletian Alvord, 70, succumbed at 6:45 p.m. Thursday [March 23] at the Twin Falls county general hospital.

            Mr. Alvord died following an emergency operation.

            Grandson of David Noggle, late chief justice of Idaho territory, and son of former U.S. Marshall James H. Alvord and May Noggle Alvord, he was born at Boise July 17, 1873. His life had been spent in Idaho with exception of 10 years in Wyoming.

            Mr. Alvord, on coming to Twin Falls only two years after construction of Miner dam was begun, became affiliated with the Idaho Department store as credit manager. He held that post for many years and for a short time operated a food store here.

            Before retiring from active business and civic life about 12 years ago because of failing health, he was prominent in the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary and Boy Scout work. During his active years he was a member of El Korah Shrine at Boise, the Knights Templar and the Episcopal church.

            Mr. Alvord married Miss Statira Wells Sept. 6, 1900, at St. James Episcopal church in Payette.

            Surviving him are his wife, a daughter, Miss May Alvord, Denver, Colo.; and two sons, David Alvord, jr., Salt Lake City, and Normal B. Alvord, of the U.S. marines, San Diego. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. May Glimore, Payette, and four grandchildren.

            Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday at Ascension Episcopal church with the Rev. E. Leslie Rolls officiating. Interment will be in Twin Falls cemetery under direction of White mortuary. The family requested that flowers be omitted and that friends contribute instead to the Red Cross.

Photo from Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Joseph D. Miller


AAFA NOTES: David was the son of James Hervey Alvord and his second wife, May Eunice Noggle.

            See the obituaries of his wife, Statira M. Wells Alvord; son David Diocletian Alvord Jr.; and mother, May Eunice Noggle Alvord McGlinchey, in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his daughter May Ellen Alvord in Oregon Obituaries; and his son Wells Deed Alvord in Wyoming Obituaries.

            On David Diocletian Alvord’s 1918 WWI Draft Registration Card (Ancestry), he is age 45, a merchant living in Twin Falls, ID. He was born 17 July 1873.

            Idaho Marriages, 1842–1996 (Ancestry), lists the marriage of David D. Alvord and Statira M. Wells on 6 Sept 1900 in Payette, Canyon Co. [now Payette Co.], ID.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: David Diocletian 1873 ID1, James Hervey 1824 NY2, Dioclesian 1776 CT3, Thomas Gould 1742 CT4, Asahel 1720 MA5, Thomas 1683 MA6, Thomas 1653 CT7, Alexander 1627 England8, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England9.






Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Thursday, 7 September 2006


SAGLE [Bonner Co.], IDAHO—Idaho native David Alvord III died Monday, Sept. 4, 2006, at Coeur d’Alene [Kootenai Co.], the result of a lingering lung infection contracted while teaching English in South Korea. He was 64.

            A sixth-generation Idahoan, a long life in public policy and political work took him throughout Idaho and for repeat visits to Korea.

            He was born Dec. 6, 1941, in Twin Falls, to Rachel Roberts and David D. Alvord Jr. Having lived in Twin Falls and Payette previously, he graduated from Pocatello High School in 1959, where he excelled in track and basketball.

            He attended Pacific University in Forest Grove, Ore., and graduated in political science from Idaho State University prior to joining the Peace Corps.

            He and his former wife, Rosemary Kirwin-Alvord, served for two years in Korea, were Peace Corps recruiters in Seattle and later held administrative positions in Micronesia. David later moved to the Boise area, where he worked in Idaho state government in land-use planning and on numerous high profile political campaigns in Oregon and Idaho.

            Having become fluent in Korean, David instructed South Korean air force pilots in the use of English. Prior to his death, he completed an assignment in South Korea, where he was teaching South Korean educators methods of teaching English to their native population. He was in the process of returning to the United States to make his retirement home in Sandpoint.

            He is survived by his wife, Ann Clark of Sagle, Idaho; daughter, Regan Alvord of North Hollywood, Calif.; son, David D. Alvord IV of Beaverton, Ore.; sisters, Nan Alvord Hughes of Bothell, Wash., and Betty Alvord Johannson of Medford, Ore....

            Services are pending.


In another article:



Portland, Multnomah Co., OR—Friday, 10 November 2006


            A memorial service will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006, in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland for David D. Alvord III, who died Sept. 4 of a lung infection at age 64.

            Mr. Alvord III was born Dec. 6, 1941, in Twin Falls, Idaho. A graduate of Idaho State University, he served in the Peace Corps in Korea and was a recruiter in Seattle and did administrative and public relations work in Micronesia. He taught English to South Korean air force pilots and schoolteachers most recently, and was retiring to Sandpoint, Idaho, at the time of his death. In 1967, he married Rosemary Kirwin; they divorced. He married Ann Clark in 2004.

            Survivors include his wife; daughter, Regan; son, David IV; and sisters, Nan A. Hughes and Betty A. Johann- son.

            Arrangements by Yates in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of David Alvord (SS# issued in ID), last residence not listed.

            See the obituaries of his parents, David Diocletian Alvord Jr. and Rachel Roberts Alvord, in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: David Diocletian 1941 ID1, David Diocletian 1907 WY2, David Diocletian 1873 ID3, James Hervey 1824 NY4, Dioclesian 1776 CT5, Thomas Gould 1742 CT6, Asahel 1720 MA7, Thomas 1683 MA8, Thomas 1653 CT9, Alexander 1627 England10, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England11.






Ogden, Weber Co., UT—30 January 1948


            Mrs. Delia Alvord Cazier, 82, St. Anthony [Fremont Co.], Ida. former North Ogden, resident, died at her home in St. Anthony Tuesday of causes incident to age.

            Mrs. Cazier was born in North Ogden, March 25, 1885 a daughter of Joseph B. and Leonora H. Berrett Alvord. She had been an active member of the L.D.S. church.

            On Jan. 21, 1885, she was married to William R. Cazier in L.D.S. Logan temple. He died in 1909. They engaged in farming at Farnum, Ida., and following sale of the farm moved to St. Anthony, where she had since resided.

            Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Vernon Cazier, Los Angeles; Hubert B. Cazier St. Anthony; Mrs. Bernice C. Lidell, Homedale, Ida.: Mrs. Larena C. Davenport, Nampa, Ida.; Mrs. Inez C. Farr, Ogden: also 17 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. James F. Hunter, Ogden; Mrs. John Hadley, Emmett, Ida.; Mrs. Lee Greenwell, Paul, Ida., and J.L. Alvord, Modesto, Calif.

            Services were to be conducted in St. Anthony today at two p.m. and the body brought here for short services Monday at the home of cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William Spackman, North Ogden. Burial will be in the North Ogden Cemetery.


Photo from Ben Lomond Cemetery, North Ogden, Weber Co., UT—

Permission granted by the photographer, Julee Judkins Hicks


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of her half-sisters Amy Alvord Hadley and Florence Alvord Greenwell in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her parents, Joseph Bonaparte Alvord and Leonora Hyet Berrett Alvord; and her half-sister Susan Alvord Farr in Utah Obituaries. We included the obituary of her half-brother Joseph Leroy Alvord in California Obituaries.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her ALVORD lineage: Delia J. 1865 UT1, Joseph Bonaparte 1830 MI2, Thaddeus 1781 MA3, Joseph 1733 MA4, Joseph 1697 MA5, Ebenezer 1665 MA6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Payette, Payette Co., ID—Wednesday, 11 January 2017


            Dennis W. Alford, 65, of Ontario, died Dec. 23, 2016, in Meridian. Arrangements are under the direction of the Haren-Wood Funeral Chapel, Ontario.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list his death.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Monday, 28 October 1974




            Donald Roy Alvord, 55, of 890 8th St., Idaho Falls, died of natural causes Friday [October 25] in Coeur d’ Alene, where he was vacationing. He was a mechanical engineer for Aerojet Nuclear Co.

            He was born March 9, 1919, at Oakland, Calif., a son of Raymond M. and Genevieve Anderson Alvord. The family moved to San Francisco, Calif., when he was 12 where he attended school. He graduated from Iowa State College in 1942 with a mechanical engineering degree.

            Mr. Alvord worked for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration where he was stationed at Moffett Field, San Francisco [sic: Mountain View, Santa Clara Co.].

            He was married to Marion Mitchell March 30, 1943 at San Francisco.

            They moved to Idaho Falls in 1953 where he was employed by Phillips Petroleum. He is now employed by Aerojet Nuclear Co.

            He was a member of the American Nuclear Society, Sigma Nu fraternity, a registered professional engineer and a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church.

            He is survived by his widow of Idaho Falls; a daughter, Mrs. William (Jane) Knispek of Salmon; a son, James Alvord of Moscow; a grandson, Matthew Knispek of Salmon; and a brother, H.V. Alvord of Sacramento, Calif.

            Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 3 p.m. in St. John’s Episcopal Church, Idaho Falls, with Rev. Robert Noble officiating.

            Interment will be in Fielding Memorial Park under the direction of the Buck-Sullivan Funeral Home….



Photo from Fielding Memorial Park Cemetery, Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Bill E. Doman


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ Oct 1974) dates of Donald Alvord (SS# issued in CA), last residence not listed.

            We included the obituaries of his father, Raymond Martin Alvord; and brother Howard Bruce Alvord in California Obituaries.

            Although some Ancestry family trees list him as Donald Ray Alvord, his obituary clearly shows his middle name as Roy. Also, in the Ames [IA] Daily Tribune, 16 Jan 1941, Donald Roy Alvord is on a list of Selective Service registrants. His full name has not been found in other records.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Donald Roy 1919 CA1, Raymond Martin 1883 IL2, George Marshall 1857 IL3, Joel William 1827 NY4, Joel 1779 CT5, Bela 1741 CT6, Aaron 1713 MA7, Thomas 1683 MA8, Thomas 1653 CT9, Alexander 1627 England10, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England11.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Thursday, 4 June 1936


            Mrs. Elsie M. Alford, 82, died Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.J. Peck, 2111 North Twentieth street.

            Mrs. Alford was born on February 8, 1854, in Connecticut. She made her home in Boise the last 12 years.

            Surviving are four sons, Roy F. Alford of Kuna, Howard H. Alford of Merician, Seymour V. Alford of Durango, Colo., and Lester E. Alford of Kuna; a daughter, Mrs. W.J. Peck, of Boise; 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

            The body is at the McBratney funeral home….


In another article:



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Friday, 5 June 1936


            Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie M. Alford will be held at the McBratney funeral home at 2:30 p.m. Friday. The services will be in charge of the Christian Science church. Interment will be in Morris Hill cemetery.


AAFA NOTES: We included the obituaries of her son Lester Edward Alford in California Obituaries; and of her sister Kate Luess Merriman Bates Alford in Connecticut Obituaries.

            Her middle name is from her Find A Grave memorial.

            Elsie’s sister Kate married the brother of Elsie’s husband.

            From Idaho Death Index, 1890–1964 (Ancestry): Elsie M. Alford was born 8 Feb 1854 in CT, daughter of Edward Merriman and Sophia Viets.

            In 2017 a Find A Grave photographer reported that Elsie has no gravestone.

            In 1880 Elsie’s family is in Aurora, Cloud Co., KS: Wm. E. Alford, coal miner, age 32; his wife Elsie M. 25; and son Leroy F. 4. All and their parents were born in CT.

            In 1900 they are in Grant, Custer Co., OK: William Alford, farmer age 52 born March 1848 in CT, married 26 years; his wife Elsie 45 born Feb 1855 in CT, 6 children, 5 living; and children, all born KS: Howard 16 born Sept 1883; Ina 14 born Dec 1885; and Lester 8 born Oct 1891.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her husband’s lineage: William Euclid 1848 CT1, Euclid W. 1813 CT2, William L. 1774 CT3, Joseph 1748 CT4, Jonathan 1720 CT5, Jeremiah 1692 CT6, Jeremiah 1655 CT7, Benedict 1619 England8, Thomas 1598 England9.




Photo from her Find A Grave memorial



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Sunday, 8 December 2013




            Esther Jackson, 91, of Boise, Idaho died Saturday August 17, 2013 in the emergency room at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center from complications of an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. She spent the last month and a half of her life in the nursing home Life Care Center of Boise. Until then she was able to live in her own apartment with the devoted help of her daughter, Elizabeth Jackson.

            Esther was born on Feb 21, 1922 with the help of a midwife. She was the last of nine children born to Albert and Lizzie Moore Ourada who homesteaded on their Dry Creek ranch near Stack Rock in the foothills above Boise. Her mother was 42. Although her parents did not give her a middle name, her sister Ruth named her Lenore, which Esther used throughout her life. Although not old enough, Esther started her schooling at Stack Rock School, a one-room schoolhouse. Her parents then decided to move to town where she went to Lowell Elementary School from the 1st through the 4th grades. Eventually, her father built a house on the hill at the end of Pierce Park Lane where she finished her elementary schooling through the 8th grade at Pierce Park Elementary School. She graduated from Boise High School in 1940.

            She went on to graduate from Link’s School of Business and worked as a bookkeeper for Fletcher Oil Co., Goodman Oil Co., Arthur G. Ryman & Spencer C. Barrett Accounting Service and McGuffin Fuel & Seed.

            Esther met Wilson Osborn Allford, Jr. (Tex) from Shallowater [Lubbock Co.], Texas, when he was stationed at the Gowen Field Air National Guard Base in Boise serving with the Army Air Forces. They married on November 11, 1945 in Boise and had three daughters, Linda, Diana and Della. They divorced in 1957.

            Esther married Cecil O. Jackson on October 16, 1958 in Boise. They had one daughter, Elizabeth. They farmed in Boise, Meridian and Melba; finally retiring in Boise to a home on North 30th St. They were married until Cecil’s death on April 07, 2002.

            She moved into her Somerset Park apartment in May of 2003. Esther loved to travel with her sisters and always enjoyed any family gathering. In her youth, she was an avid roller skater. In her later years, she went to lunch almost every Sunday with her brother-in-law, Bill Byler, who was also widowed. They would visit the gravesite of Pearl, his wife and her sister, at Dry Creek Cemetery. Quite often they ended up at their nephew’s (Jere Chapman) house, the same house that her father had built and she had lived in many years before.

            The untimely death of her mother (8/4/1950) in a car accident was a tragic loss for the entire family. Esther was also preceded in death by her father (4/30/1966) and all her siblings: Elizabeth Speirs (8/5/2010), Mae Chapman Messee (8/12/2002), Pearl Byler (9/23/2003), Duane Ourada (7/7/2001), George Ourada (5/16/1916), Ruth Thayer (1/29/1996), Naomi Kiester (3/10/1992) and Edna Dillon (7/28/1999).

            Survivors include sister-in-law Georgia Lee Ourada of Pocatello, ID; four daughters, Linda (Daryl) Mullinix of Grangeville, ID, Diana (Harvey) Mullinix of Pocatello, ID, Della (Steve) Towner of Boise, and Elizabeth Jackson of Boise; two step-daughters, Claire Wisdom of Boise, Darcel (Frankie) Chavez of Parma, ID; and one step-son, Melvin (Lisa) Jackson of Star, ID and several nieces, nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

            Esther was cremated and her ashes placed next to her husband, Cecil, at Cloverdale Memorial Park in Boise.

Photo from Cloverdale Memorial Park, Boise, Ada Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sheryl

Photo posted 14 Jan 2014


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            See the obituary of her first husband, Wilson Osborn Allford Jr., in this compilation.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Wednesday, 17 April 1946




LEWISTON—Eugene L. Alford, 81, who as co-founder and publisher guided the growth of the Lewiston Morning Tribune from a struggling weekly into north Idaho’s largest daily newspaper, died Tuesday [April 16] at 3:17 p.m. at a Lewiston hospital. He had been in frail health for several years but had been regularly at this office through Saturday. That evening he was stricken with a lung congestion and a weakening of the heart.

            Mr. Alford was born at Alford’s Bluff, Texas, near Galveston, February 16, 1865, the son of General and Mrs. George F. Alford, his father having been an officer in the Confederate army.

            He came to Lewiston in 1892 with his brother, the late Albert H. Alford, and they established The Tribune as a weekly newspaper, later expanding into a semi-weekly, tri-weekly and, in 1898, into the daily field. His brother, who died in 1927, was the editor of the paper.

            Mr. Alford was a former director and president of the former Lewiston National bank, which was purchased by the Idaho First National bank chain.

            He graduated from Washington & Lee university, Lexington, Va., where he was a charter member of Sigma Nu fraternity.

            Mr. Alford is survived by his widow, the former Alice C. Larson of Lewiston to whom he was married in 1901; three children, Mrs. Eugenia Hamblin, A.L. Alford, managing editor of the Tribune, and Mrs. Alice Matlock, of Lewiston, and a sister, Mrs. Hallie L. Evans, Dallas, Texas.


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his wife, Alice Claire Larson Alford; his children Albert Larson Alford Sr., Eugenia Alford Hamblin, George Gordon Alford, and Mary Alice Alford Matlock mother, Annie Marie Maulsby Alford; and brother Albert Hulbert Alford in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his father, George Frederick Alford; and sister Harriet L. Alford Evans in Texas Obituaries; and sister Linda D. Alford Edmonson in Missouri Obituaries.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX1, George Frederick 1836 MO2, George G. 1793 NY3, George 1764 CT4, Benedict 1716 CT5, Benedict 1688 CT6, Jeremiah 1655 CT7, Benedict 1619 England8, Thomas 1598 England9.






Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Friday, 28 January 1994


            Eugenia Alford Hamblin, 90, last surviving member of the second generation Alford family that founded the Lewiston Morning Tribune, died Thursday morning of causes related to age. She died at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center at Lewiston, where she had been a patient for two hours. She had been in declining health for several years.

            She was one of four children of Eugene L. and Alice C. Alford. He and his brother, Albert H. Alford, natives of Texas, started the Lewiston Tribune, which had its first issue Sept. 29, 1892.

            The newspaper’s centennial was celebrated in September 1992, and she attended the public celebration and dedication of Tribune Centennial mini-park, as well as the following day’s Tribune employee picnic at Lewiston’s Pioneer Park. Also, she was hostess two months ago at a gathering of friends and relatives celebrating her 90th birthday.

            She was born Nov. 15, 1903, at Lewiston, 11 years after the founding of this newspaper.

            She was a graduate of Lewiston High School and the University of Idaho, Moscow, where she was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She was active in earlier years in Lewiston with the Lewiston Welfare League, now the Lewiston Service League, Tsceminicum Club and the Lewiston Church of the Nativity (Episcopal).

            She was married to Homer W. Hamblin and they later divorced. He died in 1952 at Boise, where he was a commercial photographer. He had worked at the Lewiston Tribune for about 15 years.

            She was preceded in death by her father in 1946 and her mother in 1979. She was the oldest of the four siblings. She was preceded in death by A.L. (Bud) Alford, editor and publisher of the Lewiston Morning Tribune, who died in 1968 at the age of 61; Alice A. Matlock, a Tribune reporter during World War II years, who died in 1977 at the age of 58, and Gordon Alford, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force who died in a bomber training crash near Sioux City, Iowa, in 1944 at the age of 23.

            She was a stockholder in Tribune Publishing Co. until 1981 when the Hamblin and Matlock branches of the Alford family sold their 60 percent interest in the Tribune to Kearns-Tribune Corp. of Salt Lake City.

            In memorial, the flag outside the Lewiston Morning Tribune will be flown at half-mast through the day of the funeral.

            Survivors include her two daughters, Constance Hamblin of Lewiston, and Anne Brunsell of San Francisco. A son, Eugene A. Hamblin of Lewiston, died in 1990. He was principal owner of 4-K Radio Inc., which had eight radio stations in Idaho and Washington.

            Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home at Lewiston is in charge of arrangements.

            The family suggests memorials be sent to the Church of the Nativity (Episcopal), Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street, Lewiston, Idaho 83501.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth of Eugenia A. Hamblin (SS# issued in ID) and list her death date as 27 Jan 1994, last residence Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of her parents Eugene Lemuel Alford and Alice Claire Larson Alford; and siblings Albert Larson Alford Sr., George Gordon Alford, and Mary Alice Alford Matlock in this compilation.

            Eugenia’s children were Constance Hamblin, Anne Hamblin Brunsell (1936–1994), and Eugene A. Hamblin, 1932–1990).

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her lineage: Eugenia 1903 ID1, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX2, George Frederick 1836 MO3, George G. 1793 NY4, George 1764 CT5, Benedict 1716 CT6, Benedict 1688 CT7, Jeremiah 1655 CT8, Benedict 1619 England9, Thomas 1598 England10.




Mother of Velda Lee Alvord Greenwell, AAFA #0900



Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—20 September 1978


BURLEY—Florence Alvord Greenwell, 91, a pioneer wife and mother, died Tuesday in Cassia Memorial Hospital in Burley.

            She was born in West Weber, Utah, Aug, 17, 1887. With her husband Lee and two children Clyde and Fern she arrived from Utah in the spring of 1912 to establish a homestead by clearing sagebrush and lava rock in the Paul area. Mr. Greenwell preceded her in death in 1972.

            A lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she served as primary president of the Paul Ward for more than 14 years, and was a member of the Hellewell camp, daughters of the Utah pioneers.

            She is survived by her children, Fern Gibson of Twin Falls, Clyde and Rose Greenwell and Ross Greenwell, all of Paul, Ralph Greenwell of Auburn, Calif., Velda Coffin of Caldwell, N.J., Don Greenwell of Lovelock, Nev.; daughters-in-law, Gladys Greenwell, Helene Greenwell, Adeline Greenwell, Lou Greenwell and son-in-law, Don Coffin; 19 grandchildren and 47 great - grandchildren. An infant son, two grandsons and her husband preceded her in death.

            Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Friday at the Paul Stake Center with Bishop Larry Harper officiating. Burial will be in the Paul Cemetery. Friends may call at the Payne Chapel Thursday afternoon and evening and one hour prior to the services at the church on Friday.

Photo from Paul Cemetery, Paul, Minidoka Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, D. Scott


AAFA NOTES: AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ Sept 1978) dates of Florence Greenwell (SS# issued in ID), last benefit Heyburn, Minidoka Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of her sister Amy Alvord Hadley; and half-sister Delia J. Alvord Cazier in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her parents, Joseph Bonaparte Alvord and Sarah Elizabeth Mower Alvord; and sister Susan Alvord Farr Hunter in Utah Obituaries. We included the obituary of her brother Joseph Leroy Alvord in California Obituaries.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her ALVORD lineage: Florence 1887 UT1, Joseph Bonaparte 1830 MI2, Thaddeus 1781 MA3, Joseph 1733 MA4, Joseph 1697 MA5, Ebenezer 1665 MA6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Sunday, 19 November 2006


GRANGEVILLE—Frank Halford, 83, of Grangeville, died Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006, at the Grangeville Health and Rehabilitation Center. Services are pending with the Blackmer Funeral Home, Grangeville.


In another article:



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Tuesday, 21 November 2006


            Graveside services for Frank Halford, 83, of Grangeville [Idaho Co.], will be Friday at 1 p.m. at Prairie View Cemetery, Grangeville. Friends may call Friday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Blackmer Funeral Home, Grangeville.

Photo from Prairie View Cemetery, Grangeville, Idaho Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Lynn Erb


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Frank M. Halford (SS# issued in ID) was born 4 Oct 1923, last residence Grangeville, Idaho Co., ID.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Friday, 28 January 1944


LEWISTON—Lt. G. Gordon Alford, 23, killed Tuesday in the crash of an Army bomber near Sioux City, Iowa, was a former advertising salesman for the Lewiston Tribune. He was the son of E.L Alford, and brother of A.L. Alford, manager of the Tribune.

            Lt. Alford had been stationed at Dodge City, Kas., field for transitional training after completing training and receiving his commission at Lubbock Field, Texas, last December.

            Survivors also include two sisters, Mrs. Eugenia Hamblin and Mrs. John Matlock, both of Lewiston.


In another article:



Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Wednesday, 26 January 1944




DODGE CITY, Kas., Jan. 26—Names of five crewmen killed in the crash of a B-26 Marauder from the Dodge City arms air field, near Sioux City, Ia., Tuesday night [January 25], were announced by the field Wednesday. They included: Second Lt. Gordon A. Alford, 23, student co-pilot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Alford, Lewiston, Idaho.

Photos from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Karen Hunter


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his parents Eugene Lemuel Alford and Alice Claire Larson Alford; his siblings Albert Larson Alford Sr., Eugenia Alford Hamblin, and Mary Alice Alford Matlock in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: George Gordon 1920 ID1, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX2, George Frederick 1836 MO3, George G. 1793 NY4, George 1764 CT5, Benedict 1716 CT6, Benedict 1688 CT7, Jeremiah 1655 CT8, Benedict 1619 England9, Thomas 1598 England10.




From her Find A Grave Memorial# 71835080, posted by her nephew Don Shelley – used with permission



Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—Sunday, 16 April 2006


BLACKFOOT—Gladys Alford Shelley Knight, 100, of Blackfoot, died at the Syringa Chalet Nursing Home in Blackfoot April 14, 2006, of causes incident to age.

            She was born in Kearsley [sic: Kersey, Weld Co.], Colorado, November 17, 1905, to Charles Alford and Florence Neal Alford, the first of four girls. They moved to the Rupert, Idaho, area when she was in her early teens. She graduated from Paul High School in 1924. After graduation she moved to the Grandview/Springfield area, where she worked as a cook and housekeeper, living with the family.

            While there, she met Allen King Shelley, and they were married in October of 1925. During their early married lives, they homesteaded in a desolate area of Wyoming. Sometime after that, they sold Woolens in the Gilmore, Salmon, Challis areas. They bought a farm near Fort Hall, where they lived for 13 years and had their family, Allen “Sonny”, Leo, Dale and Sharon.

            They then bought a farm near Sterling right on the American Falls Reservoir. Her husband passed away in 1950.

            Gladys went to work in a store in Aberdeen, while her young sons kept the farm going. She remarried in November of 1952 to Jesse R. Knight, sold the farm and moved to Riverside, where she bought and operated a small store. A few years later they moved to Blackfoot, where she worked in various stores, including Pacinas Shoe Store and Ralph’s Book Store. She worked at the Stoors Market in the 1960s and 1970s, where she made many friends.

            She bought and ran and ran the apartments on the North University next to the old Baptist Church from 1960 to 1986. She lived at the Sunset Manor for 15 years and the Willows for four years before moving to the nursing home last summer.

            She enjoyed dancing, pinochle, fishing, long car rides, crossword puzzles and spending time with her family.

            She is survived by her sons, Leo C. (Darla) Shelley of Idaho Falls and Dale W. (Sandra) Shelley of Blackfoot; daughter, Sharon (Kay) Chaffin of Blackfoot; seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren; a sister, Ruth Allen of Spokane, Washington.

            She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Allen K. Shelley; son, Allen A. Shelley; sisters, Ethel Beoke and Ruby Glassburn Davis.

            Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 18, 2006, at the Hawker Funeral Home, 132 South Shilling, Blackfoot, Idaho 83221…. Interment will follow at the Riverside-Thomas Cemetery.

Photos from Riverside Thomas Cemetery, Blackfoot, Bingham Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, LDS Family History Center Blackfoot

The children on the back of the gravestone are Gladys’s children from her first marriage to Allen Shelley.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Gladys Knight (SS# issued in ID), last residence Blackfoot, Bingham Co, ID.

            From Don Shelley: “Her first name is Florence but she wanted to go by her middle name Gladys.”

            From Idaho Marriage Index (Ancestry): Gladys Alford married Allen K. Shelley in Bingham Co., ID, on 8 Oct 1925.

            Allen King Shelley was born in 1896 and died in 1950.

            Her third husband was Leon McEachern Koester (1908–1968).





[Gordon died in WA, but we are also including his obituary in Idaho Obituaries because of his close ties there.]



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Monday, 24 October 2011


SEATTLE—Gordon Newell Alford, 45, of Clarkston [Asotin Co., WA], died Sunday night, Oct. 23, 2011, at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle. Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home of Lewiston is handling arrangements.


In another article:


Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home

Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—_____ October 2011



            Gordon Newell Alford, 45, of Clarkston, died Sunday night, Oct. 23, 2011, at Seattle’s Swedish Medical Center.

            His death was caused by lung cancer, diagnosed last March. A brain radiation procedure on Wednesday, successfully conducted, was followed quickly by pneumonia and spread of cancer.

            Gordon was born Jan. 12, 1966, at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston to Nancy and A.L. Alford Jr. of Lewiston.

            He attended Lewiston schools, followed by North Idaho College in Coeur d’Alene, and Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston.

            He and Carol Johnson of Lewiston, a Lewiston High School classmate, were married Feb. 3, 1990, at Lewiston’s St. Stanislaus Church.

            Alford was a circulation district manager at two newspapers, the Spokesman-Review of Spokane and the Moscow-Pullman Daily News. In 1996, they moved to the Boise valley. He was employed as a route driver by Pony Express, and then he was the shipping department manager at Dynamite Specialty Products, a Boise-based mineral supplement company and subsidiary of Zamzow’s Inc. They lived in Eagle, Idaho, and wife Carol was a nurse at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Boise.

            In 2001, the Alfords and son Creighton moved back to the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley, establishing a home near Clarkston’s Quail Ridge Golf Course, which enabled a choice of Asotin [Asotin Co., WA] or Clarkston school districts. They chose Asotin schools, more similar in size to suburban Eagle.

            Alford joined Hahn Supply Co., where he was in sales with the wholesale building materials and rental company. He was a stockholder in the family-owned business and a member of the company’s board of directors.

            He enjoyed snow skiing, particularly Brundage Mountain near McCall, and the family cabin which was a winter fixture since the age of 2. He was a member of Quail Ridge Golf Course, a short drive from home in his golf cart for weekend rounds and summer league competition. He also enjoyed competing in mountain bike racing.

            He ardently followed sports. He was a devout fan of Asotin High School football and baseball, following his son during high school years, and then as a Lewis-Clark American Legion baseball player, followed by college baseball at Skagit Valley College at Mount Vernon, Wash., and now at Lewis-Clark State College.

            Alford was a University of Idaho football fan, missing few home games, whether a winning or losing season. He was devoted to the Seattle Seahawks in professional football and the Seattle Mariners in professional baseball, usually getting to a few Seattle games each football and baseball season.

            He is survived at the family home by his wife, Carol, a nurse at Valley Medical Center; his son, Creighton, a student at LCSC; two brothers, Nathan Hahn Alford and Joanna, and A.L. (Brid) Alford III and Cammie, all of Lewiston; his mother-in-law, Mary Lou Johnson of Lewiston; sister-in-law Linda Wick and Matt and daughter Esha, of Denver; his parents, Nancy and Butch; and other family relatives to whom he was devoted. He, Carol and Creighton were enthusiastic pet owners, particularly with their rescue dogs Sally and Rufus.

            A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, 633 Fifth Ave., Lewiston. The Rev. Mr. Fred Schmidt will officiate.

            Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home of Lewiston is in charge of arrangements.

            The family suggests memorials be considered to the Lewis-Clark State College Baseball Program, c/o The LCSC Foundation, 500 Eighth Ave., Lewiston 83501.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Gordon N. Alford (SS# issued in ID), last residence not listed.

            See the obituaries of his grandparents, Albert Larson Alford Sr. and Catherine Hahn Alford, in this compilation.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Gordon Newell 1966 ID1, Albert Larson 1938 ID2, Albert Larson 1907 ID3, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX4, George Frederick 1836 MO5, George G. 1793 NY6, George 1764 CT7, Benedict 1716 CT8, Benedict 1688 CT9, Jeremiah 1655 CT10, Benedict 1619 England11, Thomas 1598 England12.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Tuesday, 3 August 2004


            H. Genevieve Halford, 89, Boise, died Saturday [July 31] at a local hospital of natural causes.

            Burial will take place at Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane. Local arrangements under the direction of Relyea Funeral Chapel.

Photo from Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane Co., WA—

Permission granted by the photographer, Rick Valentine


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            We included the obituary of her husband’s father, William Oliver Halford, in Utah Obituaries.

            Her husband’s HALFORD lineage: George Anthon 1915 ID1, William Oliver 1873 UT2, Joseph Henry 1842 IL3, Joseph 1803/1805 England4, Joseph 1766 England5.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Saturday, 24 February 1940


            Hartley D. Alvord died Friday at a Boise hospital.

            He was born in Clayton County, Iowa, Feb 22, 1861. For the past two years he had resided in Boise Valley and lived on Route 4. He came to Idaho from Los Angeles.

            He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Aileen Meredith of Los Angeles; four sons, F.E. Alvord of Boise, Haddon Alvord of Los Angeles, Clifford Alvord of Pensacola, Fla., Orie Alvord of Chicago; six sisters and brothers, Mrs. Alice Carver of Boise, Mell Alvord of Boise, Charles and Leslie Alvord of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Mrs. Jennie Lindstrom of Fort Dodge, Mrs. Hattie Berg of Chicago, and Mrs. Mabel Vermilga of Oakland, and five grandchildren.

            The body is at the Summers Funeral Home and the funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Photo from Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Ada Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sue Ann Harfst


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his siblings Alice Martha Alvord Carver and Melzar Henry Alvord in this compilation.

            Hartley was the son of Henry Dwight Alvord and Martha Eliza Rawson.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Hartley Dwight 1861 IA1, Henry Dwight 1823 NY2, Melzar 1793 MA3, Bezaleel 1762 MA4, Azariah 1738 MA5, John 1711 MA6, John 1685 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.




Uncle of Velda Lee Alvord Greenwell, AAFA #0900


From a display plaque at Fort Hall Replica, Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID


Source unknown, but probably:


Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—Monday, 3 March 1980



Photo from Restlawn Memorial Gardens, Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Bill E. Doman


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ March 1980) dates of H. Alvord (SS# issued in CA), last residence Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID.

            See the obituary of his wife, Laura Elvira Nuffer Alvord, in this compilation.

            From a display at Fort Hall Replica, Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID:




            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Hilden Jack 1909 UT, Joseph Leroy 1883 UT1, Joseph Bonaparte 1830 MI2, Thaddeus 1781 MA3, Joseph 1733 MA4, Joseph 1697 MA5, Ebenezer 1665 MA6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Burley, Cassia Co., ID—Monday, 21 May 2001



BURLEY—Howard Levi Halford, 90, Burley, died Friday, May 18, 2001, at Parke View Care and Rehabilitation Center in Burley.

            He was born Sept. 18, 1910, in Portage [Box Elder Co.], Utah, the third of six children, to Levi and Lucynthia John Halford. Howard lived in Portage for the first nine years of his life. In April 1919, he moved with his family to Burley, where he has since resided.

            He married Raida Matthews on Jan. 16, 1930, in Burley. Their marriage was solemnized in the Logan, Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Nov. 23, 1933.

            He was a member of the LDS Church, where he was very active in Boy Scouts. He was scoutmaster of the first six Boy Scouts to receive their Eagle Scout Award in the Unity Ward.

            He enjoyed the outdoors and especially loved fishing. He had a favorite “no tell ‘um” fishing hole, and upon his death took that secret with him. He always shared the catch of the day with friends and neighbors. He was a very caring and generous man, giving his time and money to those in need. He also enjoyed dabbling in gold mining.

            He was a farmer by profession prior to engaging in the dry wall business.

            Survivors include his wife Raida Halford of Burley; one daughter, Joyce Ann Christenson of Dubois, Idaho; four sons, Harold Howard (Mary Ann) Halford of St. George, Utah, William Lee (Annett) Halford, Jerry Lynn Halford and Blaine Lamar (Lora) Halford all of Burley; one sister, Sarah Cleone Zappettini of Tuolumne, Calif.; and 23 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.

            He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Woodrow Boyd Halford and Joseph Thomas Halford; two sisters, Thelma Isabell Gunderson and Dora Grace Meline; one son, Richard Lyle Halford; and one granddaughter, Raenel Asher Kenney.

            The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 23, 2001, at the View First and Second Ward LDS Chapel, 554 S. 490 E., Burley.... Interment will be in View Cemetery.

            Friends may call at Rasmussen Funeral Home, 1350 E. 16th St., Burley....



Photos from View Cemetery, Burley, Cassia Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, dkb


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Howard Halford (SS# issued in ID).

            See the obituaries of his wife, Raida Matthews Halford; son William Lee “Bill” Halford; father, Levi Halford; and his cousin Bertha Gwendolyn Halford Brooks in this compilation.

            Anniversary article:



Burley, Cassia Co., ID—Monday, 14 January 1980



            His HALFORD lineage: Howard Levi 1910 ID1, Levi 1884 UT2, Joseph Henry 1842 IL3, Joseph 1803/1805 England4, Joseph 1766 England5.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—26 January 2014




1938 – 2014


            Ingrid Doris Alford passed away January 22, 2014, peacefully in Boise, ID. She was born October 15, 1938 in Waldenberg, Schlesin, Germany and came to the United States on August 4, 1953.

            Ingrid is survived by her 3 children, Rosemarie (Chuck) Lacer of Grangeville, Idaho, Raymond (Joann) Akins of Boise, ID, David (Dean Miller) Akins of Aurora, Minnesota; one sister, Renate Ramm of Olympia, Washington; her grandchildren and also nieces and nephews.

            She is preceded by her parents, Ozwald and Gertrude Zinke; and her husband, Ken Alford.

            Ingrid will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

            There will be a celebration of Inigrid’s life held at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at her son’s home; 11060 Halstead Court Boise, ID 83713.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            See the obituary of her husband, Kenneth Neil Alford, in this compilation




June 2012

Photo from her Find A Grave memorial, posted by her daughter-in-law, Toney Cunningham Williams

Photo taken by Toney’s daughter Tonika Cunningham – used with permission



Boise, Ada Co., ID—14 June 2014


            Alford, Janet “Joy”, 76, of Council, passed away June 11, 2014 in Council [Adams Co]. Arrangements under the direction of Thomason Funeral Home.


In another article:


Written by her daughter-in-law, Toney Cunningham Williams

Posted to her Find A Grave memorial


            Janet “Joy” Alford was born July 28, 1937 as Jeanette Joy Alford, daughter of William Robert and Verita June (Hayes) Alford in Portland, Oregon.

            She passed away June 11, 2014 in Council, Idaho peacefully in her sleep with family and friends around her.

            She married Donald G. Williams November 21, 1954 in McCall, Idaho.

            She is survived by Donald, their four sons, Paul, James, Bruce, Wayne, 10 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren, other family members, and close friends.

            She will be put to rest in the Council IOOF cemetery with a private family service. Thomason Funeral Home in Weiser in handling the arrangements.

Photo from Odd Fellows Cemetery, Council, Adams Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Toney Cunningham Williams, her daughter-in-law


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list her death.

            We included the obituary of her father, William Robert Alford Sr., in Oregon Obituaries.

            The funeral home lists her birth date as 28 July 1937.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her lineage: Janet Joy 1937 OR1, William Robert 1916 OR2, Alva Clark 1871 IL3, Martin Luther 1846 IL4, Clark Baker 1803 VT5, Ashley Owen 1770 VT6, Benedict 1716 CT7, Benedict 1688 CT8, Jeremiah 1655 CT9, Benedict 1619 England10, Thomas 1598 England11.






Burley, Cassia Co., ID—Thursday, 30 August 1923



Photo from Hollywood Forever, Hollywood, Los Angeles Co., CA—

Permission granted by the photographer, Jill


AAFA NOTES: We included the obituaries of his wife, Sarah Lucinda Southard Alford; and daughters Claudia V. Alford Thompson, Gertrude Fannie Alford Opperman, and Mabel C. Alford Sawyer Kern Stickel in California Obituaries; and of his brother Pleasant Hollomon Alford in New Mexico Obituaries.

            From Missouri Marriages (Ancestry): Jeremiah Alford married Sarah L. Southard on 9 Feb 1871 in Dallas Co., MO.

            In 1900, Lucerne, Weld Co., CO:


Jerrie Alford    head    49        b. Jul 1850       TN TN TN      married 27 years

Lucindia          wife     48        b. Apr 1852     TN TN TN      10 children, 7 living

Arther              son       20        b. Apr 1880     MO TN MO

Fannie             dau      17        b. Apr 1883     MO TN MO

Mable              dau      14        b. Aug 1885    MO TN MO

Claud              dau      10        b. Apr 1890     MO TN MO


            Jeremiah is listed on the 1860 and 1870 (both Dallas Co., MO) censuses as 2 years younger than his brother Pleasant. Pleasant, whose obituary and gravestone list his birth year as 1849, is age 1 on the 1850 census, Meigs Co., TN, and Jeremiah is not listed.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #3.

            His lineage: Jeremiah C. 1852 TN1, John M. 1821 TN2, John 1786 NC3.






Sandpoint, Bonner Co., ID—26 April 2005


            Jimmy Ray Alford, 63, passed away in Sandpoint, Idaho on Thursday, April 21, 2005.

            Private family services have been held and a celebration of life will be scheduled later.

            Jimmy was born in Eastland, Texas on May 12, 1941, and graduated from high school in Weatherford, Texas, in 1960. He married Evelyn Parkey on Dec. 28, 1960, in Granbury, Texas.

            For 17 years he worked for Safeway grocery stores in Texas. In 1973, he moved to the Sandpoint area, going to work for Les Rogers at the grocery store in the mall. For health reasons, he retired in 1993 as a produce manager and supervisor.

            He enjoyed gardening, guns, woodworking and his freshwater aquariums.

            He is survived by his wife, Evelyn Alford of Kootenai, Idaho; five children, Ron (and Pam) Alford of Big Timber, Mont., Jen Hendrix, Rhonda Alford, Lisa Alford and Angela Green, all of Sandpoint; five grandchildren, Jacob (and Courtney) Alford, Amanda (and Cliff) Norskog, Sara Alford, Gabby Hendrix and Krissy Hendrix; two great-grandchildren; his parents, James and Carol Alford of Eastland, Texas; and a brother, Ronnie Alford of Ranger, Texas.

            He was preceded in death by his grandparents and a sister, Shirley Jo.

            Final arrangements are under the care of Coffelt Funeral Service.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Jimmy R. Alford (SS# issued in UT), last residence Kootenai, Bonner Co., ID.

            We included the obituaries of his parents, James Alford and Carrolle Maxine Reed Alford; and his brother Ronald Rex Alford in Texas Obituaries.

            From Texas, Birth Index, 1903–1997 ( Jimmie Ray Alford was born 12 May 1941 in Eastland, TX, son of James M. Alford and Carrolle Maxine Reed.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            For more information about this family, see AAFA’s published genealogy, Known Descendants of Isham Alford (1755–1832).

            His lineage: Jimmy Ray 1941 TX1, James 1918 TX2, Benjamin Franklin 1882 TX3, Thomas Jefferson 1853 AL4, Jackson 1830 AL5, Baldy 1784 NC6, Isham 1755 NC7.






Grand Island, Hall Co., NE—Tuesday, 27 April 1999


LEWISTON, Idaho—June Alfred, 72, of Lewiston, Idaho, died Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in Lewiston after complications from a stroke.

            Mrs. Alfred was cremated. Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Westlawn Memorial Park Cemetery. The Rev. Jim Keyser will officiate.

            Mrs. Alfred was born on June 15, 1926, in Kearney to Orva P. and Tracey P. (Whitaker) McCurdy. They moved to Grand Island, where she attended school.

            She married Keith E. Alfred on Aug. 19, 1944. They moved to California in 1956. She worked with the Visiting Nurses Association. They moved to Lewiston in 1984 after she had a stroke. She had been in ill health since then.

            She enjoyed bowling, fishing and cooking.

            Survivors include her husband; two sons, Jerry Alfred of Clayton, Ind., and Dave Alfred of Dayton, Nev.; one daughter, Marianne Hastings of Lewiston, Idaho; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

Photo from Westlawn Memorial Cemetery, Grand Island, Hall Co., NE—

Permission granted by the photographer, Michelle Abramson


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of June R. Alfred (SS# issued in NE), last residence not listed.

            See the obituary of her husband, Keith Elton Alfred, in this compilation.





11 - Leonora_Blanchard_Junietta

Junietta Alvord (right) with her sister Eunice Leonora Alvord (left) and mother Jane Elizabeth Blanchard Alvord (center)

Posted to “owenslineagetree” at Ancestry by Dennis Owens

Permission granted by Dennis Owens, descendant of Simeon Riley Alvord



Ogden, Weber Co., UT—Wednesday, 30 January 1946


ST. ANTHONY, Idaho—Mrs. Junietta Jane Alvord Brown Clark, 81, St. Anthony, died Monday of a heart ailment while visiting here at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Eunice Bolton.

            She was born July 14, 1864, in Springville, Utah, a daughter of Simon Riley and Jane Elizabeth Blanchard Alvord. The family moved to Pleasant View, Utah, in her childhood, and she was married to Hyrum Brown, Oct. 14, 1880, in the L.D.S. Endowment House at Salt Lake City. They lived at Pleasant View until 1889, and then came to Idaho, homesteading at Fall River, now Chester, Fremont county.

            Mrs. Clark was active in the L.D.S. Chester ward, serving as both Primary association and Relief society president.

            She moved from Chester to Pleasant View, Utah. Following Mr. Brown’s death in 1932, she came back to Idaho, residing in Chester and St. Anthony. In 1936 she was married to Eli B. Clark, who died Jan. 1, 1946, in St. Anthony.

            Two daughters survive, Mrs. Jennie Winters, Pleasant View, Utah, and Mrs. Bolton, 26 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren.

            Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at two p.m. in the L.D.S. Yellowstone stake tabernacle by a member of St. Anthony L.D.S. Third ward bishopric. Friends may call at the home of Mrs. Bolton from Thursday morning until time of services.

            Second rites will be conducted Saturday at two p.m. in the L.D.S. Pleasant View chapel. Friends may call at the home of Mrs. Jennie Winters, Pleasant View, from Saturday at ten a.m. until time of services. Burial will be in North Ogden, Utah, cemetery

Photo from Ben Lomond Cemetery, North Ogden, Weber Co., UT—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sharon Johnsen


AAFA NOTES: We included the obituaries of her mother, Jane Elizabeth Blanchard Alvord Ellis; and siblings Edwin Theodore Alvord, Eunice Leonora Alvord Bothwell, and Irvin Thaddeus Alvord in Utah Obituaries; and her brother Leroy Alvord in California Obituaries.

            From Western States Marriage Index (Ancestry): Junietta Jane Alvord Brown married Eli Belsher Clark on 27 Feb 1936 in Cache Co., UT.

            Her name is misspelled on her gravestone.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her ALVORD lineage: Junietta Jane 1864 UT1, Simeon Riley 1837 MO2, Thaddeus 1781 MA3, Joseph 1733 MA4, Joseph 1697 MA5, Ebenezer 1665 MA6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Friday, 7 September 2007


            Keith Alfred died of natural causes Sunday, Sept. 2, 2007, in Lewiston. He was 85 years old.

            Keith was a retired welder, born Nov. 24, 1921, in Genoa [Nance Co.], Neb., to Gilbert and Bessie Farmer Alfred. He married June Rose Lee McCurdy, and together they moved to California, where he was a welder for United Air Lines in San Francisco for 27 years, retiring to Lewiston in 1985.

            Keith served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II as a B-17 gunner, attaining the rank of Staff Sergeant.

            He is survived by his sister, Donna Powell of Grand Island, Neb. sons, Jerry Alfred, of Indiana and David Alfred of Nevada and daughter, Marianne Hastings, of Culdesac. He is also survived by six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

            He was preceded in death by his wife, June Alfred.

            Graveside services will be conducted at 10 a.m., Sept. 15, in Grand Island, Nebraska, at West Lawn Memorial Cemetery….

Photo from Westlawn Memorial Cemetery, Grand Island, Hall Co., NE—

Permission granted by the photographer, Michelle Abramson


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Keith E. Alfred (SS# issued in AL), last residence Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID.

            See the obituary of his wife, June Rose Lee McCurdy Alfred, in this compilation. We included the obituary of his sister Donna Lee Alfred Powell in Nebraska Obituaries.

            From SSACI: Keith Elton Alfred was born 24 Nov 1921 in Greeley [sic], Nance Co., NE. Greeley is in Greeley Co.

            In 1930, Keith E. Alfred, age 8 born NE, is living with his parents and sister in Grand Island, Hall Co., NE.

            From Washington Death Index, 1940–2014: Keith E. Alfred, age 85, died 2 Sept 2007 in Asotin Co., WA, residence Wahkiakum Co., WA. Asotin Co. adjoins Nez Perce Co., but Wahkiakum Co. is on the west coast of WA.

            His ALFRED lineage: Keith E. 1921 NE1, Gilbert Leo 1896 NE2, Julius Anton 1869 Sweden3, Nils Svensson 1840 Sweden4.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Tuesday, 31 December 2013


            Alford, Kenneth N., 74, of Boise, passed away on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 at his home. Arrangements are pending at Cloverdale Funeral Home.


In another article:



Yakima, Yakima Co., WA—Sunday, 5 January 2014


Kenneth Neil Alford

February 19, 1939–December 25, 2013


BOISE, ID—He was born in Yakima, Wash., beloved son of William Alford and Lillie Lince Zirkle.

            He worked for the Wash. State Department of Transportation for 31 years. Ken was an avid hunter and fisherman. He also remodeled and built homes. He passed away at home in Boise, ID.

            He is survived by his wife Ingrid Alford; brother Earl Alford; sisters Sharon Graver and Carolyn Shorey; his daughters Vicki Alford Greif and Kelly Alford Patacsil; seven grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.

            A celebration of life will be held at a later date.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list his death.

            See the obituary of his wife, Ingrid Doris Zinke Alford, in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his father, William Henry Clarence Alford in Washington Obituaries; and of his brother Earl Francis Alford in Colorado Obituaries

            From Washington Marriage Records, 1865–2004 (Ancestry): Henry C. Alford married Lillie Lince on 1 Oct 1932 in Yakima Co.


1940 Census, West Ahtanum, Yakima Co., WA:


Henry C. Alford         head     29        MO       Forest ranger

Lillie R.                       wife     25        WA

Sharon Louise             dau         5        WA

Carolyn Lee                dau         3        WA

Earl Francis                 son         2        WA

Kenneth Neil               son         1        WA


            His lineage: Kenneth Neil 1939 WA1, William Henry Clarence 1911 MO2, Samuel Wesley 1884 IL3, David ???? SC4.




Aunt of Velda Lee Alvord Greenwell, AAFA #0900


“Long-standing Commission member Laura Alvord, who, with her husband Jack, was instrumental in furnishing the Fort Hall Replica from the time it was built until her death in 1995.”

From a display plaque at Fort Hall Replica, Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID



Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—25 December 1994


            Laura Elvira Alvord, 84, of Pocatello, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1994, in a local Medical center following an illness.

            Laura was born in 1910 in Preston, a daughter of Charles August Nuffer and Christina Wanner Nuffer. She was born in a large stone home built by her father and uncle. Her parents both were members of families in Germany who were converted to the LDS Church, and migrated to Utah in the late 19th century.

            She was reared in Preston, and graduated from high school there. Following her marriage to Jack Alvord in 1929, they resided in Preston, where both of their daughters were born. In 1943 the family moved to Pocatello, where she had since resided. Their marriage was solemnized in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple Feb. 5, 1971.

            After moving to Pocatello, Laura worked as a telephone operator. In the early 1950s Jack and Laura opened Ford’s Café on North Main Street in Pocatello. They later owned and operated Alvord’s Café on South Fifth Avenue near Ross Park.

            For many years Laura was an Avon lady in Pocatello, and for many consecutive years received awards as one of the top salespeople in the Intermountain area.

            Laura was a member of the Does for many years, and served as the tri-state president. Following the death of her husband, Jack, Laura became a member of the Fort Hall Replica Commission.

            From the time that Jack began developing the ideas that led to the construction of the Fort and supervision of its building, Laura was actively involved. Upon Jack’s death in 1980, Laura took his place and continued the work.

            She was responsible for the decoration of rooms in the Replica. Also, she was a prime mover in the establishment of the Living History at the Fort each summer, and in bringing crafts people to the Fort to give demonstration. Laura collected and maintained a complete history of the Fort Hall Replica.

            Laura was a lifelong member of the LDS Church. She held positions in the Primary and in Relief Society. For many years she was a volunteer in doing name extraction to help others do genealogy.

            She had a wide range of hobbies, among which she particularly enjoyed hunting for arrowheads, artifacts and bottles. Most of the arrowheads and artifacts have been displayed at the Replica.

            In her later years she began painting and displaying her works at the Pocatello Art Center. Laura’s devotion to the continuing growth of the Fort Hall Replica was both an interest and an avocation. Most of all, she loved working with the people and sharing.

            Surviving are her two daughters, Marlene Joan Christensen and Jacquelyn Jeanne Alvord, of Pocatello; a sister, Ida Cafferty, Nampa; a brother, Preston Nuffer, Utah; three grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, H. Jack Alvord, four sisters, Clara Hansen, Louise Mary Roberts, Ann Cummings and Bertha Winn, and two brothers, F4redrich Nuffer and Joseph Nuffer.

            Funeral services will be conducted Monday, Dec. 26, at noon at the Colonial Funeral Home, 2005 S. Fourth Ave., Pocatello, with Bishop Nick Nielson, LDS 12th Ward officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 11 a.m. on Monday until time of the services. Interment will be in Restlawn Memorial Gardens in Pocatello.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Laura Alvord (SS# issued in ID) was born 15 Feb 1910 and died _____ Dec 1994, last residence Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID.

            See the obituary of her husband, Hilden Jack Alvord, in this compilation. It includes a photo of their shared gravestone.






Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—Friday, 27 August 2004


POCATELLO—Lester Roland Halford, 75, Pocatello, died Tuesday, August 24, 2004, at his home.

            He was born November 12, 1928, at Oakley, Idaho, to Lester W. and Gladys Jackson Halford. Lester served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and in the U.S. Army during the early 1960s. He married Marilyn G. Mefford in 1972.

            He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters and two brothers.

            Cremation has been completed. No services will be held at his request. Arrangements are under the direction of the Cornelison-Henderson Funeral Home, 431 N. 15th Ave., Pocatello.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Lester R. Halford (SS# issued in ID), last residence Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID.





Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—Sunday, 9 July 1972




            Lester R. Halford, 43, and Marilyn G. Mefford, 29, both of Pocatello.


            From Utah, Select County Marriages (Ancestry): Lester Halford, age 23, married Gladys Jackson, age 18, on 15 Sept 1927 in Weber Co., UT






Burley, Cassia Co., ID—Tuesday, 27 May 1958



Photo from Pleasant View Cemetery, Burley, Cassia Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, D. Scott


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of his son Howard Levi Halford in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his siblings Edwin Hoskins Halford, George Warren Halford, Grace Victoria Halford John, Joseph Willard Halford, Mary Lucinda Halford, Royal Halford, Theodore Melvin Halford, and William Oliver Alford in Utah Obituaries.

            Family Trees at lists Levi Halford, born 6 Feb 1884 in Portage, Box Elder Co., UT, and died 26 May 1959. His wife was Lucynthia John, and his parents were Joseph Henry Halford and Emma Hoskins.

            His HALFORD lineage: Levi 1884 UT1, Joseph Henry 1842 IL2, Joseph 1803/1805 England3, Joseph 1766 England4.






Nampa, Canyon Co., ID—Wednesday, 31 October 2012


            Mark Steven Alford, 49, passed away on October 25, 2012 at his home in Nampa.

            He was born June 28, 1963 in Rapid City, South Dakota to his parents Dale Alford and Shirley Erwin Alford (Hoover). Mark operated his own business for many years and was a kind soul who would willingly give the shirt off his back to any friend in need. His heart was good and he proved it in everyday actions to those in need.

            He is survived by his siblings: Kathleen Thomas of Farmington Utah, Lesley Tucker of Clinton, Utah, Jean Lehto of Boise, Idaho, Larry Hoover of Nampa, Idaho and many nieces and nephews.

            He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother Darrell Alford.

            A celebration of his life will be held next June at Lake Lowell where Mark loved to fish with his brother Larry. Any who wish to participate are invited to contact family members.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list his death.

            See the obituaries of his mother, Shirley Jean Erwin Alford Hoover; and brother Darrell William Alford in this compilation.

            His lineage: Mark Steven 1963 SD1, Dale William 1923 UT2, James William 1900 ID3, Samuel David 1875 UT4, John W. 1846 England5, William 1816 England6.





[A similar article was published Wednesday, 26 January 2000 in The Messenger Index, Emmet, ID.]



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Friday, 21 January 2000


            Marvin Hallford, 79, of Emmett [Gem Co.], died Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2999, at home. Graveside services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 22, at the Emmett Cemetery. Pastor Brian Smith of the Crouch community church will officiate. Friends may call today from noon until 8 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon at the Potter Funeral Chapel, Emmett.

            Marvin was born July 15, 1920, at Wichita Falls, Texas, where he was reared and educated. He married Dorma Toombs on Oct, 11, 1942, in Texas. They moved to San Diego, Calif., where he joined the U.S. Navy, and served during World War II in the Pacific Theater. Following his discharge in 1945 he returned to San Diego where he worked for the telephone company until his retirement in 1976. They moved to McCall, Idaho, for a year, then to Emmett.

            Marvin enjoyed refinishing furniture, gardening, and puttering around the garage.

            He is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Edie Hallford of Helena, Mont.; and a daughter and son-in-law, Chuch and Sherry Graves of Garden Valley, Idaho; two grandchildren; six great-great grandchildren; and a brother in Texas. There are numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters....


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Marvin C. Hallford (SS# issued in TX).

            Family Trees at lists the parents of Marvin Clarence Hallford as Chester Irving Hallford (b. 16 Nov 1892 in TN and d. 1 Jan 1973 in Wichita Falls, Wichita Co., TX) and Virgie Jane Merrell.

            Marvin’s HALLFORD lineage, from RootsWeb: Marvin Clarence 1920 TX1, Chester Irving 1892 TN2, Andrew Jasper 1867 TX3, John Harrison 1841 MO4, James Powell 1812 SC5, Jesse 1781 NC6.




Mother of Gordon Alford Matlock, AAFA #0829


Dec. 4, 1942. Mrs. Matlock sits upon a German tank model at Camp Stewart, GA, where she was visiting her husband, Lt. John Matlock of the 455th AAA Bn. The 455th tank model won 2nd place in a contest at Camp Stewart.


Photos from her memorial at Find A Grave

Posted by the 455th AAA Historian, J.R. Chandler—used with permission



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Friday, 6 May 1977




            Alice Alford Matlock, 58, vice president of the Tribune Publishing Co., and daughter of the newspaper company’s co-founder, died of cancer Thursday [May 5] at 11:30 a.m. at the family home at 631 22nd Ave., Lewiston.

            She was married to John H. Matlock, assistant publisher and general manager of the Lewiston Tribune and a long-time Lewiston businessman. Mrs. Matlock’s father was the late Eugene L. Alford, co-founder in 1892 of the Lewiston Tribune with his brother, Albert H. Alford. Mrs. Matlock’s mother is Alice C. Alford of Lewiston, secretary-treasurer of the Tribune.

            Mrs. Matlock was also president of the News-Review Publishing Co. of Moscow, owned in part by Tribune Publishing. News-Review publishes the Daily Idahonian of Moscow and operates News-Review commercial printing at Moscow and Western Printing Center in the Tri-Cities. The Tribune publishes the Lewiston Morning Tribune, the weekly Valley News at Meridian, Idaho, and operates Western Printing Center at Lewiston and Graphic Arts Publishing Inc. of Boise.

            Mrs. Matlock was a Tribune news reporter in the early 1940s and during college vacation stints in the late 1930s. She was remembered as a thorough reporter, well-versed in use of the English language, and part of a skeleton World War II news-editorial staff.

            In past years Mrs. Matlock retained her interest in the news-editorial operation in particular, maintaining her discipline of earlier years in striving for error-free, detailed reporting.

            Mrs. Matlock’s illness was diagnosed last October at Seattle. She underwent radiation treatments for a brain tumor through January at a Spokane hospital and had been at her Lewiston home since then.

            Mrs. Matlock was born June 1, 1918, at Lewiston and attended Lewiston public schools. She was graduated in 1936 from Lewiston High School. She attended Mills College, a private women’s college at Oakland, Calif., for one year and attended the University of Idaho the following three years, graduating in journalism and English with academic honors in 1940. She was a member of Gamma Phi Beta social sorority and of Sigma Delta Chi, a journalism honorary.

            She married Matlock June 19, 1942 at Lewiston. Following service in World War II, he was a partner in the Diamond Shop, a Lewiston jewelry store, until 1955, and co-founder of Lewis-Clark Broadcasting Co., which operates radio stations KOZE and KOZE-FM at Lewiston, KLER at Orofino and KORT at Grangeville. He sold his interest in the radio stations in 1971 when he joined the Tribune.

            Mrs. Matlock was active in Lewiston civic causes over the years. She was a former member of the Lewiston Welfare League, now the Lewiston Service League, the Tsceminicum Club and of Malac Temple, Daughters of the Nile. She was a member of the Church of the Nativity (Episcopal) and active in the Lewiston church’s Chancel Guild.

            She was one of the region’s active contract bridge players and was working toward a rating of life master. She and her husband shared a hobby of raising and breeding schnauzers, a terrier breed dog, and raised a pet, Rebel, which earned national and international championship ranks in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

            Survivors include her husband John; three sons, Dr. Gordon Alford of Minneapolis, a physician at the University of Minnesota Hospital; Stephen John, editor and publisher of the Valley News at Meridian, and David William of Lewiston, general manager of Lewis & Clark Paper & Supply, Inc. and a granddaughter, Susan, of Minneapolis. Also surviving is a sister, Eugenia A. Hamblin of Lewiston.

            Two brothers preceded her in death. They were Gordon Alford, who joined the Tribune advertising department in 1942 and died in a World War II airplane crash, and Albert L. (Bud) Alford, editor and publisher of the Tribune, who died in 1968.

            Mrs. Matlock’s mother, Alice, remains active and interested in the newspaper and related operations at the age of 94.

            Mrs. Matlock’s father, Eugene, was the business manager of the Tribune during its early years, and her uncle, Albert, was the editor. Albert died in 1928 and Eugene was the newspaper’s publisher until his death in 1946.

            When the Alford brothers in 1892 stepped from a river steamer at the Lewiston dock on Snake River Ave., they saw Lewiston for the first time. The ambitious brothers originally from Alford’s Bluff, Texas, near Galveston, were directed to Lewiston by a Portland printing machinery dealer. The dealer foresaw the “boom” of the Lewiston area in the anticipated arrival of the railroad and the opening of Nez Perce Indian land to white settlement.

            Eugene and Albert, along with three other young men, published the first issue of the four-page weekly Tribune the evening of Sept. 29, 1892. They worked patiently over a second-hand flat-bed press in a rented room on the first floor of the two-story Grostein Hall, the town opera house at 2nd and Main Sts. It is now a parking lot east across the street from the Hotel Lewis-Clark.

            The funeral will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Church of the Nativity, with the Rev. Charles W. May officiating, with burial at Normal Hill Cemetery. Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home is in charge.

            The family has suggested that memorials may be made to the Church of the Nativity Memorial Fund.


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, “Jim B1”


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            See the obituaries of her parents Eugene Lemuel Alford and Alice Claire Larson Alford; and siblings Albert Larson Alford Sr., Eugenia Alford Hamblin, and George Gordon Alford in this compilation.

            Her first name was Mary, but she apparently didn’t use it.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            Her lineage: Mary Alice 1918 ID1, Eugene Lemuel 1865 TX2, George Frederick 1836 MO3, George G. 1793 NY4, George 1764 CT5, Benedict 1716 CT6, Benedict 1688 CT7, Jeremiah 1655 CT8, Benedict 1619 England9, Thomas 1598 England10.




Photo from Webb Funeral Home



Preston, Franklin Co., ID—Monday, 23 October 2017


            Mary Lou Halford, 67, passed away peacefully on Oct. 22, 2017, in Preston, Idaho, surrounded by family.

            Mary Lou was born on Feb. 14, 1950, to Duane and Beth Allen Lish, in Pocatello, Idaho.

            She is survived by her mother, Beth; her sisters, Pat Slayden (Jack) and Janice Oliver (Dennis); and her brother, Craig (Lisa), all of Pocatello. She is also survived by her husband, DeLynn (Preston); her three sons, Brandon (West Bountiful, Utah), Chris (Tami; Layton, Utah), and Tyler (Rebecca; Rochester, N.Y.); and seven grandchildren. \ She was preceded in death by her father; and a brother, Duane; and a son, Timothy.

            She graduated from Pocatello High School and LDS seminary in 1968. She attended ISU for two years before serving a full-time LDS Mission in Boston, Mass. Upon returning from her mission, she married DeLynn Halford on Sept. 16, 1976, in the Logan Utah LDS Temple. Mary Lou was a lifelong active member of the LDS church and served faithfully in a variety of church callings, including Relief Society president, Primary president, and Young Women’s president. While raising her boys in Afton, Wyo., she was employed for 15 years as the secretary of the LDS Seminary. Mary Lou was always kind, loving, and worthy and will be missed by all who knew her.

            Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2017, at noon in the Preston Eighth LDS Ward Chapel, 213 S. 2nd E., Preston, Idaho. Friends may call Friday from 6-8 p.m. at Webb Funeral Home, 1005 S. 8th E., Preston, and Saturday from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the church. Interment will be in the Preston, Idaho, Cemetery….

Photo from Preston Cemetery, Preston, Franklin Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Dana Higginson Maus


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list her death.

            See the obituary of her husband’s mother, Ramona Goodey Halford, in this compilation.

            Her husband’s HALFORD lineage: Delynn 1949 ID1, Victor Conley 1925 UT2, Royal 1886 UT3, Joseph Henry 1842 IL4, Joseph 1803 England5, Joseph 1766 England6.




Photo from her Find A Grave memorial



Payette, Payette Co., ID—Thursday, 7 July 1927





            We deeply regret to announce the death of Mrs. May E. McGlinchey which took place at her residence in Payette in the early hours of Saturday, July 2nd. Although for the last few years Mrs. McGlinchey had been largely confined to her home yet the end came quite suddenly and she had only been ill for a few days. Pneumonia was the cause of death.

            The deceased lady was probably the most outstanding personality of the Payette Valley and no one entered more fully into the life of the community during the many years of her residence here than she did and even after she was prevented by physical disability from her wonted activity her interest was none the less keen and she followed closely all local events and happenings. She was of a most versatile nature and possessed a keen wit which was the delight of her many friends and of those who were fortunate enough to hear her speak at meetings when she charmed her audiences with her originality and clever repartee. Above all she possessed a great heart and her generosity showed itself in many unostentatious acts of gracious kindness. She had exceptional powers of leadership and the history of the various societies of which she was a member is largely the story of her life.

            May E. Noggle was the daughter of Judge David Noggle, United States Judge of Wisconsin, and she was born at Beloit, Wisconsin on March 8th, 1846. In 1860 Judge Noggle was appointed Chief Justice of Idaho and the family came to live in Boise. Shortly afterwards Miss Noggle married Major Alvord who was U.S. Marshall at that time. Major Alvord died in California in 1876. In 1878 Mrs. Alvord married John McGlinchey at San Francisco, Cal. and resided with him in various parts of Idaho, coming to Payette in the eighties. Mr. McGlinchey died in 1919.

            Mrs. McGlinchey is survived by two children, Mr. D.D. Alvord of Twin Falls and Mrs. May Gilmore of Payette.

            Mrs. McGlinchey was for many years President of the Portia Club and always has been a leading spirit in that organization. She was also President of the Womans Relief Corps and Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star in whose doings she played a leading part and maintained a keen interest right up to the last. She was a communicant of the Episcopal Church into which she had been baptized in infancy subsequently being confirmed by the noted Bishop Kemper at Beloit, Wis., in girlhood. Largely owing to her efforts and determination the present Episcopal church of St. James’ was built in 1893. There were only three communicants of the Episcopal church in Payette at that time, the others being Mrs. A.B. Moss and Mrs. Say, and to the efforts of these three devoted women the present generation of church people owe much. At the time Bishop Talbot—now Bishop of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania and the oldest Bishop in the Episcopal Church—was Bishop of Idaho and he permitted Mrs. McGlinchey to make the final selection of the name of the church which is known as St. James’ to-day.

            Funeral services were held at the Episcopal church at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning and were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth, rector….

            The remains were layed away in Riverside cemetery and were followed to their last resting place by a large concoarse of friends who deeply mourn with the son and daughter the loss of one whose life had been a guiding star to so many.

Photo from Riverside Cemetery, Payette, Payette Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Cheryl Hanson


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of her son David Diocletian Alvord Sr. in this compilation.

            From Idaho Death Records, 1890–1930 (Ancestry): On her death certificate, sheis May Eunice McGlinchey was born 7 March 1846 [different than obituary] in WI, daughter of David Noggle and Anna M. Lewis.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her first husband’s ALVORD lineage: James Hervey 1824 NY1, Dioclesian 1776 CT2, Thomas Gould 1742 CT3, Asahel 1720 MA4, Thomas 1683 MA5, Thomas 1653 CT6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England8.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Thursday, 12 September 1946


            Melzar H. Alvord, Route 5, died at his home Tuesday evening after a short illness.

            He was born in Clayton county, Iowa, Nov. 5, 1865, and had resided in Boise for 16 years.

            Survivors include his wife, Ella Alvord, Boise; two brothers, Charles H. Alvord of Burnside, Iowa; three sisters, Mrs. Hattie Berg of Chicago, Mrs. Jessie Lindstrom of Dayton, Iowa, and Mrs. Jessie Lindstrom of Dayton, Iowa, and Mrs. Mable Vermilya of Seattle, Wash.; one stepson and one stepdaughter.

            He was a member of the Congregational church.

            Schreiber and McCann have charge of the arrangements.

Photo from Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Ada Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sue Ann Harfst


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his siblings Alice Martha Alvord Carver and Hartley Dwight Alvord in this compilation.

            Melzar was the son of Henry Dwight Alvord and Martha Eliza Rawson.

            Wedding announcement:



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Saturday, 5 June 1937



            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Melzar Henry 1865 IA1, Henry Dwight 1823 NY2, Melzar 1793 MA3, Bezaleel 1762 MA4, Azariah 1738 MA5, John 1711 MA6, John 1685 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.






American Falls, Power Co., ID—Friday, 24 March 1922

Photos from Falls View Cemetery, American Falls, Power Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, richard b


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of her husband, Obel Gool Alvord, in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her daughter Imogene Minerva Alvord Stahlnecker in Iowa Obituaries; and of her son Winfield Scott Alvord in Arizona Obituaries.






Missoula, Missoula Co., MT—Friday, 27 December 2013


SALMON, Idaho—Nancy L. (Johnson) Halford, 82, died Thursday, Dec. 26, at her home in Salmon, Idaho.

            Brothers Mortuary and Crematory is assisting the family with cremation services.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not list her death.

            From Brothers Mortuary: Nancy was born 4 Aug 1931.

            From Ancestry family trees: Nancy was the daughter of Jesse Joel Johnson and Ilda Caire Miller. She was married 5 times.

            From Washington, Marriage Records, 1854–2013 (Ancestry): Nancy L. Johnson married her first husband, Charles C. Reichert, in 1947 in Walla Walla, WA.

            Charles (1926–2015) and Nancy had 4 children and were divorced.

            From Arizona, County Marriage Records, 1865–1972 (Ancestry): Nancy Lee Reichert married Thomas Hooper Edwards (1912–1996) in Maricopa Co., AZ, in 1964. This Affidavit for Marriage License says Nancy was divorced in Walla Walla, WA, in 1962.

            Her third husband was ____ Parra. Her fourth husband was _____ Yager. Her fifth husband was _____ Halford.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Thursday, 19 February 2004


            Norma L. Alford, 79, New Meadows, died Sunday [February 15] at a McCall hospital. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Heikkila Funeral Chapel, McCall. Burial will follow at the Meadows Valley Cemetery.


In another article:



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Sunday, 22 February 2004


            Norma Lee Alford, 78, died Sunday, Feb. 15, in McCall. Services were conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at Heikkila Funeral Chapel, McCall.


Photo from Meadows Valley Cemetery, New Meadows, Adams Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Kelly Walters


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Norma L. Alford (SS# issued in OR) was born 17 Oct 1925, last residence New Meadows, Adams Co., ID.

            We included the obituary of her husband, William Robert Alford Sr., in Oregon Obituaries.

            From several Ancestry Family Trees: Norma was the daughter of Ellis Raymond Wilhelm and Mary Katherine Fleek.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Saturday, 9 November 1946





            Norman Brumley Alvord, 36, died Friday afternoon at the Veterans hospital following an illness which had persisted since an operation performed while he was in the Marine Corps on Bougainville island two years ago.

            Born March 26, 1910, in Twin Falls, Mr. Alvord was graduated from Twin Falls high school and attended the University of Idaho, where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta and the varsity track team.

            He was married May 27, 1940, to Ruth I. Davis of Twin Falls and for the past five years, except for military duty, has been employed by the Idaho Power company in Boise.

            A descendant of Boise pioneers, he was the great-grandson of Chief Justice David Noggle, grandson of Major J.H. Alvord of Idaho territorial days and the son of the late David D. Alvord, Sr., of Twin Falls. He was a member of the Episcopal church and the American Legion.

            He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Diane, 5, and Stephanie, 3; his mother, Mrs. Statira Alvord; a brother, David D. Alvord of Twin Falls, and one sister, Miss May Alvord, Portland, Ore.

            Services will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m…. McBratney-Fowler chapel is in charge of arrangements….


AAFA NOTES: See the obituaries of his parents, David Diocletian Alvord Sr. and Statira M. Wells Alvord; and brother David Diocletian Alvord Jr. in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his sister May Ellen Alvord in Oregon Obituaries; and of his brother Wells Deed Alvord in Wyoming Obituaries

            Norman is listed with his parents and siblings on the 1930 census in Twin Falls (District 28), Twin Falls Co., ID, dwelling #86: David D. Alvord, life insurance agent age 56 b. ID (parents b. NY and WI); his wife Statira M. 51 WA; sons David D. Jr. 23 WY sheep herder; and Norman B. 20 ID; and 4 women roomers, all teachers.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Norman Brumley 1910 ID1, David Diocletian 1873 ID2, James Hervey 1824 NY3, Dioclesian 1776 CT4, Thomas Gould 1742 CT5, Asahel 1720 MA6, Thomas 1683 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.




Photo posted to their Find A Grave memorials



Corning, Adams Co., IA—Wednesday, 20 March 1912

Photos from Falls View Cemetery, American Falls, Power Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, richard b


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of his wife, Melissa Ann Talbott Alvord, in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his daughter Imogene Minerva Alvord Stahlnecker in Iowa Obituaries; and of his son Winfield Scott Alvord in Arizona Obituaries.

            In Ancestry family trees, Obed’s middle name is sometimes listed as Gould, the maiden name of his paternal great-grandmother.

            From Samuel Morgan Alvord, A Genealogy of the Descendants of Alexander Alvord An Early Settler of Windsor, Conn. and Northampton, Mass. (Webster, NY: A.D. Andrews, Printer, 1908), pp. 339–340:



            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Obed Gool 1825 OH1, Elijah Johnson 1770 CT2, Obed 1744 CT3, Asahel 1720 MA4, Thomas 1683 MA5, Thomas 1653 CT6, Alexander 1627 England7, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England98.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Saturday, 25 October 2008


            Oliver Leon Halford, 92, of Idaho Falls, passed away Oct. 23, 2008, at Life Care Center.

            He was born Nov. 19, 1915, in Humbolt, Iowa, to Benjamin Halford and Adella Jennings Halford. He grew up and attended schools in the area.

            On Dec. 17, 1935, he married Silva Grace Nelson in the Logan LDS Temple. She preceded him in death Feb. 10, 1999. He worked as a general contractor and also owned the Citroen car dealership. Oliver was a member of the Bonneville Racing Association and Upper Valley Cutter Racing Association. He was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served as a temple worker with his wife. Oliver enjoyed horses, working on cars, farming and building houses.

            Survivors include his sons, Eldon Leon (Shannon) Halford of Idaho Falls and Dannie Lee (Cheryl) Halford of Blackfoot; six grandchildren; and 19 great-grandchildren.

            He was preceded in death by his wife, Silva; his brother, Robert; and his sister, Eva.

            Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 29, at Wood Funeral Home, 273 N. Ridge Ave., with Brian McBride officiating. The family will visit with friends for one hour prior to the services at the funeral home. Burial will be in Fielding Memorial Park. Condolences may be sent to the family online at


Photo from Fielding Memorial Park Cemetery, Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Cathlene Willis


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Oliver L. Halford (SS# issued in ID), last residence Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.

            See the obituary of his wife, Silva Grace Nelson Halford, in this compilation.

            On the 1920 census, Oliver’s family is listed in Delana, Humboldt Co., IA, dwelling #44: Benjamin H. Halford, blacksmith age 31 b. IA (parents b. WI); his wife Adelle A. 27 IA; and children, all b. IA: Eva R. 5, Oliver L. 4-2/12; and Robert J. 2-7/12. Since this census was taken in January, Oliver’s birth date agrees with his age.

            In 1930 Oliver and his 2 brothers are listed in the Christian Home Orphanage in Council Bluffs (District 20), Pottawattamie Co., IA, p. 1B: Arthur Halford 9 b. IA, Oliver Halford, 13 b. IA, and Robert Halford 11 IA. Their parents were b. IA and MN.

            On Benjamin Harrison Halford’s 1917 WWI Draft Registration Card [online at Ancestry], he is age 28, a married self-employed farmer with a wife and 2 children living in Burt, Kossuth Co., IA. He was born 8 Jan 1889.

            Family Trees on list the lineage for Benjamin H. Halford, who was b. in June 1889, the son of James H. and Martha R. Halford.

            His HALFORD lineage: Oliver Leon 1915 IA1, Benjamin Harrison 1889 IA2, James H. 1849 NY3, James 1817 England4.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Tuesday, 16 February 1993


BLACKFOOT—Philip James Alford, 37, of the Blackfoot area, was shot and killed Feb. 12, 1993, at the home of his brother in an apparent homicide.

            He was born Aug. 11, 1955, at Norfolk, Va., to Jere Arthur and JoAnn Mae Sperger Alford. He attended schools in Gila, Ariz., and Redlands, Calif. He moved to the Blackfoot area about a year ago, where he lived with his brother and was employed at American Potato Co.

            He enjoyed fishing and restoring old cars.

            Survivors include his mother of Congress, Ariz.; a brother, Norman J. Alford of Blackfoot; and three sisters, Mrs. Craig (Sherry) Stoner of Kingsland, Ga., Mrs. John (Roxann) Grimme of Congress, Ariz., and Mrs. Mike (Michele) Marks of Washington state.

            He was preceded in death by his father and a brother.

            No local services are scheduled. Burial will be in Arizona. Arrangements were through Packham’s Grove City Crematory in Blackfoot.


In another article:


Source unknown

ID—_____ February 1993



In another article:



Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—Wednesday, 2 March 1994



AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Philip J. Alford (SS# issued in ID) was born 11 Aug 1955, last residence not listed.

            We included the obituaries of his parents, Jere Arthur Alford and Joann Mae Sperger Alford; and brother Rory Thomas Alford in Arizona Obituaries.

            From Find A Grave: Philip’s father and brother are buried in Genung Memorial Park Cemetery in Peeples Valley, Yavapai Co., AZ. There is no memorial for Philip in this cemetery.

            For more information about this family, see AAFA’s published genealogy, Known Descendants of John Alford and Jane McElhattan.

            His lineage: Philip James 1955 VA1, Jere Arthur 1918 ID2, Arthur Monroe 1883 MO3, Jeremiah C. 1852 TN4, John M. 1821 TN5, John 1786 NC6.





Source unknown, but probably:


Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—_____ March 1994


TWIN FALLS—Rachel Roberts Alford, 87, of Twin Falls, died Sunday, March 6 1994 at the Twin Falls Care Center

            A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. March 21 at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Twin Falls.

            The family suggests memorial contributions may be made to the Episcopal Church of the Ascension or to the Twin Falls Public Library.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Rachel Alvord (SS# issued in ID) was born 4 Oct 1906 and died _____ March 1994, last residence Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID.

            See the obituary of her husband, David Diocletian Alvord Jr., in this compilation. It includes a photo of their shared gravestone.






Burley, Cassia Co., ID—Tuesday, 16 October 2001



BURLEY—Raida Matthews Halford, 89, Burley, died Sunday, Oct, 14, 2001, at Parke View Care and Rehabilitation Center in Burley.

            She was born May 23, 1912, in Oakley, the first of nine children of Jesse William and Hannah Melvina Tinsley Matthews. She attended elementary school in Oakley, and in 1924 she moved with her family to the Unity area. She then continued her education in Burley.

            She married Howard Levi Halford on Jan. 16, 1930, in Burley. Their marriage was solemnized in the Logan, Utah, Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ on Nov. 23, 1933. During her early married life, she helped her husband on the farm, especially during the planting and harvesting seasons. Raida had the privilege of raising her family as the homemaker of their home. Here she was able to spend the much needed time in nurturing and teaching her children.

            She loved to cook! She was famous for her applesauce cookies, dill pickles and the Saturday night hamburgers, which often included the entire neighborhood. She enjoyed working with her hands and was able to crochet an afghan for each child and grandchild. Additionally, many friends and neighbors were recipients of her handiwork.

            She was a member of the LDS Church, where she served in the Relief Society and Primary. She was also active as a leader in the 4-H program.

            Raida is survived by one daughter, Joyce Ann Christenson of Dubois, Idaho; four sons, Harold Howard (Mary Ann) Halford of St. George, Utah, William Lee (Annett) Halford, Jerry Lynn Halford and Blaine Lamar (Lora) Halford, all of Burley; a daughter-in-law, Shirley Halford Hubbard of Burley; three sisters, Bessie (Roe) Groesbeck of Long Beach, Calif., Rachel (Gerald) Larson and Nyla Larson, both of Burley; and 23 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.

            She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Howard, who died May 18, 2001; one son, Richard Lyle Halford; one granddaughter, Raenel Asher Kenney; four brothers, Ernest, Earl, Clair and Gene; and one sister, Virginia Bade.

            The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001, at the View First and Second Ward LDS Chapel, 550 S. 500 E., Burley.... Interment will be in View Cemetery.

            Friends may call at Rasmussen Funeral Home, 1350 E. 16th St., Burley....


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Raida M. Halford (SS# issued in ID).

            See the obituary of her husband, Howard Levi Halford, which includes a photo of their shared gravestone; and son William Lee “Bill” Halford in this compilation






Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—Thursday, 24 June 2004


            Gene Alford, 82, died at his Kooskia [Idaho Co.] home Sunday, June 20, 2004, of a heart attack.

            Gene was born April 7, 1922, at Red Bluff, Calif., a son of Robert and Mary Dinkle Alford. He lived in Redding, Calif., before moving to Idaho. Gene was a guide in the Selway area for many years beginning in the 1960s. Gene moved to Kooskia in 1977.

            He holds the Boone and Crockett Club’s No. 2 official record for a cougar he bagged in 1989 in Idaho County. His record lion is the largest one in the United States (the club’s No. 1 was killed in Canada). He also received the Sagamore Hill Award for the cougar. The award, created in 1948, was described by Archibald Roosevelt, son of club founder President Theodore Roosevelt, as combining “both hunting and conservation in the way my father had contemplated.” The award has been given fewer than 20 times in nearly 60 years.

            Gene was a member of the Back Country Horsemen.

            He is survived by a brother, Stanley Alford of Gerber, Calif.; and his close neighbors and friends, the Martin Agee family.

            The memorial service will be held at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of Blackmer Funeral Home in Grangeville.

            Memorial contributions may be made to the Back Country Horsemen.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Gene R. Alford (SS# issued in CA), last residence Kamiah, Lewis Co., ID.

            We included the obituaries of his brothers Allen Temple Alford, Earnest Howard Alford, and Robert Stanley Alford in this California Obituaries.

            From California Birth Index, 1905–1995 (Ancestry): Ralph E. Alford was born 7 Apr 1922 in Tehama Co., mother’s maiden name Dinkle.

            From SSACI: Gene Ralph Alford was born 7 Apr 1922 in Red Bluff, Tehama Co., CA, son of Robert T. Alford and Mary Dinkle.

            For more information about this family, see AAFA’s published genealogy, Known Descendants of James Lodwick Alford (1749–1820). This genealogy lists Hudson Alford as the son of James Lodwick Alford, but that is questionable based on Hudson’s birth date relative to the birth dates of his father and siblings.

            His lineage: Ralph Eugene 1922 CA1, Robert Temple 1874 CA2, Julius Marion 1845 AR3, Robert Temple 1814 MS4, Julius 1785 NC5, Hudson 1760 NC6, James Lodwick 1749 NC7.






Logan, Cache Co., UT—Thursday, 14 May 2015




            Ramona Goodey Halford, 87, passed away on May 12, 2015, at the Franklin County Transitional Care Center in Preston, Idaho.

            She was born May 2, 1928, in Clarkston, Utah, the daughter of Joseph Daniel and Sylvia Olive Thompson Goodey. She married Victor Conley Halford on Sept. 27, 1946, in Logan, Utah. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Logan Temple.

            She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served as a primary teacher. She enjoyed bowling, golfing and fishing. She loved spending time with her family. She so enjoyed visiting with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

            She is survived by two sons, Randy V. (Shirlene) Halford of Preston; Delynn (Mary Lou) Halford of Preston; by seven grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and by a sister, Cloteel Child of Smithfield, Utah.

            She was preceded in death by her husband, by two sisters, Inez Godfrey and Leah Ravsten; and by two brothers, Shirley & Farrell Goodey.

            Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 16, at Webb Funeral Home, 1005 S. 8th East, Preston, Idaho, with President Bruce Hodges conducting. Friends may call from 6-8 p.m. Friday at Webb Funeral Home and from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday, also at the mortuary. Interment will be in the Preston Cemetery. Memories and condolences may be shared with the family at

Photo from Preston Cemetery, Preston, Franklin Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographers, Wes & Debi Grossnickle

Photo posted in 2010


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list her death.

            We included the obituaries of her husband’s parents, Royal Halford and Erma Evelyn Conley Halford, in Utah Obituaries.

            Her husband’s HALFORD lineage: Victor Conley 1925 UT1, Royal 1886 UT2, Joseph Henry 1842 IL3, Joseph 1803 England4, Joseph 1766 England5.




AAFA #0633


Photo from Mountain View Funeral Home



Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—8 January 2009


            Dr. Richard (Dick) Alford passed away Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2009, at Lewiston.

            Richard Melville Alford was born May 21, 1925, to Fred E. and Lillie M. Nelson Alford in Waukegan, Ill. He graduated from Waukegan High School in February 1943, and then entered the University of Michigan as a pre-med student. During World War II he served in the Navy College program, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pa., in 1945, and entering the University of Michigan Medical School in October 1945. He graduated from medical school in 1949 and did his internship at Research Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. He went on active duty again in the Navy with about eight months duty in the Korean Theater. While on active duty, he met Roberta (Connie) Jean Conrad of Orinda, Calif., on a blind date in San Francisco.

            Following his service in the Navy, he spent one year in a general practice residency at Ravenswood Hospital in Chicago. While there, he married Connie on Feb. 21, 1953. He was offered a position with one of the doctors at Ravenswood to enter private practice and accepted. After 14 years of practice in Chicago, and the birth of three children, they decided it was too crowded and chose to come to Lewiston to get away, going into practice with Drs. Baldeck and Bond at the Clearwater Valley Medical Center. He was one of those instrumental in starting the present Valley Medical Center. Dick was active in the American Academy of Family Practice and served as president of the Idaho chapter for one year. He was the medical director of the Lewiston Care Center for 17 years. After 27 years of practice in Lewiston, he retired.

            During retirement, he became interested in genealogy and, with the aid of the Alford American Family Association, was able to trace his family ancestry back to the 1400s. He later served two years as president of that association. He also learned that he and “Butch” Alford have a common ancestor who came to New England in the early 1630s. He was also a member of the local genealogical society.

            Dick was a lifelong Methodist, serving on many church boards and was one of the founders of the Good Shepherd Methodist Church in Park Ridge, Ill. His love of God continued in the family’s move in 1967 to Lewiston, where he was a member of First United Methodist Church of Lewiston. Dick was a dedicated member of The Gideons International and was active in Habitat for Humanity, Nez Perce County Historical Society and the Lewiston Foundation of Education Boards. He had a passionate interest in researching the use of T3 in thyroid medication, settling on the natural desiccated thyroid as being the alternative to T4. (He delivered more than 700 babies, with only two being premature). He wrote many letters to the Tribune sharing his beliefs.

            He is survived by Connie, his wife of 55 years daughter Carolyn of Moscow a son, Craig Alford and his wife, Mary, of Renton, Wash. and a daughter, Merry Warr and her husband, Wayne, of Twin Falls grandchildren Mark and Jessica Moore of Seattle, Craig Alford, USN, of Brunswick, Maine, David, Scott and Peter Alford of Renton a brother, Harold Alford and wife, Edie, of Mountain Home, Ark. cousins Jim LeFebvre and his wife, Karel, of Santa Rosa, Calif., Gale LeFebvre and his wife, Mary, of Kenai, Alaska, and Don Johnson and his wife, DeEtte, of Annandale, Va.

            A memorial service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Lewiston First United Methodist Church, 1906 Broadview Drive, Lewiston. A reception will follow in Fellowship Hall…. Mountain View Funeral Home in Lewiston is handling arrangements….


Photo from Normal Hill Cemetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Kerry


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Richard M. Alford (SS# issued in IL), last residence Lewiston, Nez Perce Co., ID.

            Dick was the fifth president of the Alford American Family Association, serving 1999–2001.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #2.

            His lineage: Richard Melville 1925 IL1, Fred Eugene 1890 IL2, Ernest Cutler 1861 IA3, Wyllis Duane 1829 NY4, Orison 1806 NY5, Abner 1767 MA6, Elijah 1732 CT7, Josiah 1696 CT8, Josias 1649 CT9, Benedict 1619 England10, Thomas 1598 England11.




Photo from Wood Funeral Home



Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Tuesday, 26 February 2019


            Our loving husband, son, father and brother, Robert James Halford, 39, of Idaho Falls, passed away February 23, 2019.

            Robert was born January 14, 1980, in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to Douglas and Jean Halford. He grew up in Idaho Falls and Grand Junction, Colorado. Robert attended high school in Grand Junction and later attended college in Idaho Falls where he got an associates degree in business.

            On June 5, 2009, he married the love of his life, Misty Miller, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. To this union were born two daughters, Kiana and Charlytte. Robert and Misty made their home in Idaho Falls, Idaho, where Robert worked as a salesman for Teton Toyota. Robert enjoyed camping, fishing, playing soccer and watching the Denver Broncos. He loved spending time with his family and was a wonderful father and husband. Robert was loved by all. He had an amazing sense of humor. He had lifelong medical challenges, but his positive attitude and wit remained steady throughout his life. Robert was a good, loving son and a hard worker. He loved working with people.

            Robert is survived by his loving wife, Misty Halford of Idaho Falls, ID; parents, Douglas and Jean Halford of Idaho Falls, ID; sister, Deanna Halford of Idaho Falls, ID; daughter, Charlytte Halford of Idaho Falls, ID. His infant daughter, Kiana Grace Halford, preceded him in death.

            Services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 2, 2019, at the Taylor Mountain Stake Center, 260 Castlerock Lane….


In another article:



Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Sunday, 24 February 2019




            The Idaho State Police responded to a single-vehicle fatality crash on Interstate 15 in Idaho Falls near Mercury Avenue on Saturday at around 5 p.m. Police say Robert J. Halford, 39, of Idaho Falls, was driving a 2017 Ford Focus northbound when the car veered off the right side shoulder of the freeway, through a fence and hit a brick wall. Halford, who was wearing a seat belt, succumbed to his injuries at the scene of the crash.

            Police said in a news release that next of kin has been notified and that the crash is under investigation.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records do not yet list his death.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—Wednesday, 17 September 2003


            Ruth E. Alvord, 92, Boise, died Saturday [September 13] in a Boise hospital of natural causes. Private family burial services will be held in the Morris Hill Cemetery. Arrangements under the direction of Relyea Funeral Chapel.


Photo from Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Ada Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Sheryl


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Ruth E. Alvord (SS# issued in ID) was born 13 May 1911, last residence Boise, Ada Co., ID.

            Ruth’s husband, who shares her gravestone, is Ira R. Alvord, born 8 Sept 1895 and died 17 Jan 1983. According to his WWI Draft Registration and census reports, he was born in UT, parents Edwin and Esther Alvord, also born in UT.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            Her husband’s ALVORD lineage: Ira Reuben 1895 UT1, Edwin Theodore 1871 UT2, Simeon Riley 1837 MO3, Thaddeus 1781 MA4, Joseph 1733 MA5, Joseph 1697 MA6, Ebenezer 1665 MA7, Alexander 1627 England8, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England9.






Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—Tuesday, 26 September 2006



            Ruth Rossback Halford, 95, of Twin Falls, died Sunday, Sept. 24, 2006, at St. Luke’s Magic Valley Regional Medical Center.

            Ruth was born March, 24, 1911, in Roberts [Jefferson Co.], Idaho, the daughter of Gordon and Anna Whitlatch Rossback. She was raised in Roberts, Idaho, and married Robert James Halford in Idaho Falls on April 21, 1945. They lived in Roberts, Idaho, in Lovelock, Nev., for a few years, and in 1972 moved to Lake Havasu, Ariz., where they lived until the passing of Mr. Halford. Ruth then moved to Twin Falls, where she has since resided. She enjoyed animals, doing embroidery work, traveling and, with her remarkable memory, was very good at working puzzles. She had a wonderful sense of humor and was an extremely witty person up until the time of her death.

            She is survived by her two daughters, Janice Lee Gilbert of North Las Vegas, Nev., and Karen Ruth Lewis of Twin Falls; one sister, Hazel Bailey of Idaho Falls, Idaho; five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

            A memorial graveside service will be conducted at 12 noon Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006, at Sunset Memorial Park. Arrangements are under the direction of White Mortuary, “Chapel by the Park.”....


Photos from Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery, Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographers, Dan & Susan Stallings


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Ruth Halford (SS# issued in ID), last residence Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID.

            See the obituary of her brother-in-law Oliver Leon Halford in this compilation. We included the obituary of her husband, Robert James Halford, in Arizona Obituaries.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—_____ December 1989


            Sadie Alvord, 89, formerly of Aberdeen, d. Friday, December 8, 1989 at the Pocatello Regional Medical Center following an illness.

            She was born November 7, 1900, Clarksville, Texas to Samuel and Hattie Price Knight. In her youth the family lived in the Oklahoma Territory where she received her schooling.

            Her family moved to the Blackfoot area when she was 11 years old. For a time she worked in a laundry.

            She married Tom Edmund Alvord, July 2, 1922 in Aberdeen, and the couple lived in Blackfoot until 1933, when they moved back to Aberdeen. Mr. Alvord died April 3, 1950. A few years ago Mrs. Alvord moved to a shelter home in Pocatello.

            She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In her spare time she enjoyed reading, needlework and visiting her neighbors.

            Survivors include two daughters, Anna Breeze, Pocatello and Judith Dvorak, Aberdeen; two sisters, Belle Anderson, Blackfoot and Edith Konkle, Moses Lake, WA, and 3 grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband and one brother, Samuel Knight.

            Funeral services will be Monday 1:30 p.m. at the Aberdeen Latter-Day Saints chapel with Bishop Dirk Driscoll officiating. Friends may call at the Davis Mortuary, American Falls today from 7-9:00 p.m. Burial will be in the Aberdeen Cemetery.

Photo from Aberdeen Cemetery, Aberdeen, Bingham Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Lynne


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of her husband, Tom Edmond Alvord, in this compilation. She was his second wife.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Thursday, 13 July 2000


            Sheryl L. Chant-Alford, 43, of Idaho Falls died July 11, 2000, at the Life Care Center of Idaho Falls following a lingering illness.

            She was born July 13, 1956, in Omaha, Neb., to Jesse Tyson Chant Sr. and Margaret Lois Chandler Chant. She attended schools in Nebraska. She was the mother of four children who were born to her and Norman Alford. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She enjoyed crossword puzzles.

            Survivors include her two daughters, Joanne (Libby) Alford of Arizona and Valiea Rae Alford of Idaho Falls; two sons, Arthur Alford and William Cody Alford, both of Idaho Falls; a friend, Diane Womack of Idaho Falls; her mother, Margaret Chant of Nebraska; a brother and two sisters, Jesse Chant Jr., Genevieve Smith and Alma Gibbs.

            She was preceded in death by her father, Jesse; an aunt, Nadine Towler; and her grandmother.

            Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Friday in Fielding Memorial Park. Arrangements are under the direction of Wood Funeral Home, 273 N. Ridge Ave. in Idaho Falls.

Photo from Fielding Memorial Park Cemetery, Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Collins Crapo


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Sheryl L. Alford (SS# issued in NE), last residence Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID.






Boise, Ada Co., ID—28 October 2008


            Shirley J. Hoover, 78, Caldwell [Canyon Co.], died Oct 25 at a local care center. Local arrangements by Relyea Funeral Chapel, Boise.


In another article:



Ogden, Weber Co., UT—5 November 2008


            Hoover, Shirley Jean Erwin, 77, Ogden, died Oct. 25, Boise, Idaho, Myers Ogden Mortuary.

Photo from Evergreen Memorial Park, Ogden, Weber Co., UT—

Permission granted by the photographer, James Rumsey


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records show that Shirley J. Hoover (SS# issued in UT) was born 14 Dec 1929, last residence Nampa, Canyon Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of her sons Darrell William Alford and Mark Steven Alford in this compilation.

            In 1900 her husband’s father is listed in West Caldwell, Canyon Co., ID, an unnamed infant, age 6 days, with his parents, Samuel and Elizabeth Alford.

            Relyea Funeral Chapel reports that “Shirley Hoover was sent to Myers Mortuary in Ogden, Utah. They buried her in Evergreen Memorial Park in Ogden.”

            Her husband’s lineage: Dale William 1923 UT1, James William 1900 ID2, Samuel David 1875 UT3, John W. 1846 England4, William 1816 England5.






Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—26 December 2009


BURLEY—Shirley May Braun, an 84-year-old Burley resident, passed away December 24, 2009, at Cassia Regional Medical Center.

            Shirley was born May 20, 1925, in Portage, Utah, the daughter of Edwin and Rosina Ruby Halford. She attended school in Burley and graduated from Burley High School. Shirley married Ruben Braun Aug. 24, 1944, in Burley, Idaho. They lived in Burley until 1960 moving to American Falls, Idaho, and returned to Burley in 1965 and have since lived.

            She worked at Harms Hospital in American Falls, Idaho. She was member of the Syringa Club, a Pink Lady at Cassia Memorial Hospital, a past president of the Overland PTA, and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served in the Primary, Young Women’s President and Visiting Teacher.

            Shirley enjoyed bowling, crafts, ceramics, shopping, traveling and camping with her family.

            Shirley is survived by her husband Ruben J. Braun of Burley; her children Janice Harper (Dale) of Burley; Richard Braun (Teri Lyn) of Winnemucca, NV Carol Ann Braun of Henderson, NV; and David Braun (Lon-nie) of Pocatello; eight grandchildren Jodi Nye, James Harper, Brian Harper, Lydia Braun, Jacob Braun, Jessica Braun, Tyler Braun, and Malia Braun; five great-grandchildren Bailee Nye, Seth Nye, Marysaa Harper, Mason Harper and Morgan Harper;

            She was preceded in death her parents, her brothers Lourice Dennett, Joseph Halford, Alford Halford and Arthur Halford.

            Funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 28, 2009, at the Burley LDS 4th Ward Chapel, 515 East 16th Street in Burley. Burial will follow at the Pleasant View Cemetery.

            Friends may call Sunday evening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Hansen Payne Mortuary in Burley and one hour prior to the service at the church.

            The family would like to thank the emergency and hospital staff at Cassia Regional Medical Center and all the loving friends and neighbors that offered their support.

Photo from Pleasant View Cemetery, Burley, Cassia Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Maxwell Family


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Shirley May Braun (SS# issued in OR), last residence Burley, Cassia Co., ID.

            We included the obituary of her father, Edwin Hoskins Halford, in Utah Obituaries.

            Her HALFORD lineage: Shirley May 1925 UT1, Edwin Hoskins 1882 UT2, Joseph Henry 1842 IL3, Joseph 1803 England4, Joseph 1766 England5.






Pocatello, Bannock Co., ID—Friday, 12 February 1999


IDAHO FALLS [Bonneville Co.]—Silva Grace Nelson Halford, 85, of Idaho Falls, died Wednesday, February 10, 1999 at the Idaho Falls Care Center of causes incident to age.

            She was born February 18, 1913 at Salt Lake City, Utah, the daughter of Walter Earnest Nelson and Mary Ellen Stuart Nelson. She lived in Salt Lake City until the age of 5, when the family moved to Pocatello. She grew up there and attended Tyhee School. She married Oliver L. Halford December 17, 1935 in the Logan, Utah, Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They made their home in Idaho Falls and Pocatello, where she had been a homemaker and mother. An active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she served in many capacities including Sunday school teacher, stake missionary and temple worker. She was a member of the Bonneville Sheriff’s Posse. She enjoyed the outdoors, crafts, sewing, singing in the ward choir, singing and fishing with her children, and playing the piano and organ.

            Surviving are her husband, Oliver L. Halford, Idaho Falls, Idaho; two sons, Eldon Leon (Shannon) Halford, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Dannie Lee (Karen) Halford, Idaho Falls, Idaho; two brothers, Virgil Walter Nelson, Pocatello, Idaho, and Ralph Vereland Nelson, Pocatello, Idaho; two sisters, Ruby (Howard) Knapp, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Betty (Don) Page, Pocatello, Idaho; six grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers, Ronald Merland Nelson and Lester Earnest Nelson.

            Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, February 13, 1999 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Idaho Falls 26th Ward, 2025 Jennie Lee Drive.... Burial will be in Fielding Memorial Park, under the direction of Wood Funeral Home, 273 North Ridge Avenue, Idaho Falls.


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of Silva G. Halford (SS# issued in ID).

            See the obituary of her husband, Oliver Leon Halford, in this compilation. It includes a photo of their shared gravestone.





Source unknown, but probably:


Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—_____ May 1968


            Mrs. S.M. Alvord, 89, died Monday at Hazel Del Manor of a long illness.

            She was born Feb. 21, 1879, in Spokane, Wash., and was married to D.D. Alvord Sept. 6, 1920, in Payette. They came to Twin Falls in May, 1907, from Evanston, Wyo. She lived in Twin Falls until 1948 when she went to Portland to live with a daughter, May E. Alvord.

            In December, 1965, she returned to Twin Falls and resided at Hazeldel until her death. Her husband preceded her in death.

            Survivors include one daughter, May E. Alvord, Portland; one son, David D. Alvord, Twin Falls; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

            Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension by Rev. John Riley. Last rites will be held in the Twin Falls Cemetery. Friends may call at the White Mortuary Thursday until 9 p.m. The family suggests memorials to the American Cancer Society.

Photo from Twin Falls Cemetery, Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Joseph D. Miller


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death (_____ May 1968) dates of Statira Alvord (SS# issued in OR), last residence Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of her husband, David Diocletian Alvord Sr.; and sons David Diocletian Alvord Jr. and Norman Brumley Alvord in this compilation. We included the obituaries of her daughter May Ellen Alvord in Oregon Obituaries; and of her son Wells Deed Alvord in Wyoming Obituaries.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Tuesday, 4 April 1950




ABERDEEN, April 4—Tom Edmond Alvord, 62, retired Aberdeen farmer, died Monday afternoon [April 3] of a heart attack while driving his car in Aberdeen.

            Emil Neu, local carpenter and close friend, was with him at the time.

            Mr. Alvord was born at Cromwell, Ia., March 25, 1888. He came to Aberdeen in 1906 at the age of 18. He worked there until moving to Blackfoot where he was employed by the Clegg Furniture company from 1915 to 1930. His wife Mary E. Blair Alvord died March 25, 1921.

            July 2, 1922 he married Sadie Knight. He farmed from 1930 to 1943 in the Aberdeen sector, then moved to Lava Hot Springs for four years before again returning to Aberdeen. He had been engaged in light carpenter work prior to the attack.

            Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Sadie Alvord, and daughters, Anna and Judith Alvord of Aberdeen; Mrs. Rose Hansen, American Falls and four grandchildren.

            Funeral services will be held at the graveside in the Aberdeen cemetery at 2 p.m. Thursday…. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Howard Packham mortuary of Blackfoot.



Photo from Aberdeen Cemetery, Aberdeen, Bingham Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Lynne


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of his second wife, Sadie Ray Knight Alvord, in this compilation. We included the obituary of his father, Winfield Scott Alvord, in Arizona Obituiaries.

            From Idaho Death Index, 1890–1964 (Ancestry): Tom Edmund Alvord, born 25 March 1888 in IA, died 3 Apr 1950 in Aberdeen, Bingham Co., ID. His parents were Winfield Scott Alvord, born OH, and Anna Ragina, born MI.

            *See AAFA’s Published Genealogies, #1.

            His ALVORD lineage: Tom Edmond 1888 IA1, Winfield Scott 1861 OH2, Obed Gool 1825 OH3, Elijah Johnson 1770 CT4, Obed 1744 CT5, Asahel 1720 MA6, Thomas 1683 MA7, Thomas 1653 CT8, Alexander 1627 England9, Thomas [ALFORD] 1598 England10.




Granduncle of Robert Ross Alford, AAFA #0736



Boise, Ada Co., ID—Tuesday, 5 July 1921


            Walter Scott Alford, 67, died at a Boise hospital Monday afternoon [July 4]. He came to Boise from Lostine [Wallowa Co.], Ore., five weeks ago for treatment. He has been working in sawmills in Oregon for the last 25 years.

            Mr. Alford is survived by two sisters and three brothers residing in Kansas, California and Oregon.

            The funeral will be held from the Schreiber and Sidenfaden chapel Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock and interment will be made in Morris Hill cemetery [Boise]….


AAFA NOTES: We included the obituaries of his father, James Alford; and siblings James Monroe Alford and Melissa Alford Beidler in Oregon Obituaries; and of his brother William Sherman Alford in California Obituaries.

            Walter has no grave marker. His grave is in Section H, Block 50, Space 6 at Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise.

            In 1900, Walter, age 44 born Jan 1856 in IN, is living with his mother, Harriet Alford, and divorced brother Oliver in Wallowa, Wallowa Co., OR.

            In 1860 he is age 5, living with parents, James and Harriet Alford, and brothers Oliver and James in Reeve, Daviess Co., IN.

            For more information about this family, see AAFA’s published genealogy, Descendants of John & Mary Alford of Frederick County VA.

            His lineage: Walter Scott 1856 IN1, James 1824 IN2, James 1791 VA3, John 1768 VA4, Thomas 1736 VA5, John 1696 ?? 6.






Idaho Falls, Bonneville Co., ID—Wednesday, 5 July 1950




HOUSTON [Custer Co.], July 5. (AP)—William Alford, 40, found a bomb in his backyard. He pulled the pin. He died Wednesday of injuries and burns.

            “I pulled a pin out to examine it and it exploded,” he told officers before he died. “It was a small bomb and I thought it was dead.”

He was injured Saturday. The explosion mangled a hand and set his clothes afire. Police had no clue about how it got in Alford’s yard.






Twin Falls, Twin Falls Co., ID—28 July 2009


BURLEY—William Lee “Bill” Halford, age 62, of Burley, passed away Saturday, July 25, 2009, at his home.

            Bill was born Sept. 9, 1946, in Burley, the son of Howard Levi and Raida (Matthews) Halford. He received and completed his education in Burley. Bill married Annett Archibald on Jan. 3, 1969, at the Unity LDS Church in Burley. Four children blessed this union, Scott, Shellie, Dennis and Tina. Bill farmed in his younger years prior to owning and operating Halford Sanitation. He then worked and retired from the Burley Irrigation District as a ditch rider.

            Bill was a good son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and friend. He enjoyed being in the outdoors and especially liked fishing with his best friend, Max Glaesemann, hunting and camping with his family. Additionally, Bill liked singing, bowling and “hanging-out” with his coffee-drinking buddies at Price’s Café. A highlight each year was the outstanding firework production held at the Halford backyard. This year was no exception. Even though he could not put on the show by himself, his family made sure this traditional event took place. Bill was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

            Survivors include his wife of 40 years, Annett of Burley; his children, Scott William Halford, Shellie (Eric) Schaefer and Dennis Howard (Laurice) Halford, all of Burley, and Tina Rae Halford (Damien) Levings of Twin Falls; his grandchildren, John Gill, Damia Halford, Calin Halford, Amie (Hector) Loya, Joelene Schaefer, Matthew Ramirez, Zane Schaefer, Katie Halford, Cody Taylor, Cassiopeia Crosland, Andromeda Crosland and Devin Levings; three great-grandchildren, Manuel, Mariah and Nayelli Loya; and his siblings, Harold Howard (Mary Ann) Halford of St. George, Utah, Joyce Asher Christensen of Dubois, and Jerry Lynn Halford and Blaine Lamar (Lora) Halford, all of Burley. He was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Richard Lyle Halford; a brother-in-law, Don Asher; and a grandson, Eric “Tate” Schaefer.

            The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, July 31, at the View LDS Church, 550 S. 500 E. of Burley, with Bishop Cloyd R. Searle officiating. Burial will be in the View Cemetery. Friends may call from 6 until 8 p.m. Thursday, July 30, at Rasmussen Funeral Home, 1350 E. 16th St. in Burley, and from 10 until 10:45 a.m. Friday at the church.

Photos from View Cemetery, Burley, Cassia Co., ID—

Permission granted by the photographer, Kristin Tatton Harman


AAFA NOTES: SSDI records confirm the birth and death dates of William Lee Halford (SS# issued in ID), last residence Burley, Cassia Co., ID.

            See the obituaries of his parents, Howard Levi Halford and Raida Matthews Halford in this compilation.

            His HALFORD lineage: William Lee 1946 ID1, Howard Levi 1910 ID2, Levi 1884 UT3, Joseph Henry 1842 IL4, Joseph 1803/1805 England5, Joseph 1766 England6.






Lubbock, Lubbock Co., TX—Wednesday, 14 May 1958




            Funeral services for Wilson O. Allford Jr., 36, of Boise, Idaho, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Rix Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will be in City of Lubbock Cemetery. The Rev. Vic Allen, pastor of Smyer Baptist Church, will officiate.

            According to Boise officials, Allford, a former resident of Shallowater, was shot to death May 8. His death was listed as suicide. Allford was killed, officers said, after he wounded his estranged wife, Esther, 36, and a companion, C.O. Jackson, 36. Both are in fair condition.

            He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Allford Sr., of Rt. 1, Shallowater.

            Other survivors are three daughters, Linda Louise, Diana Lynn and Della Mae Allford, all of Boise; five brothers, William Lace, Bill, Cecil Carl, Jack and “Tex” Allford, all of Shallowater; and two sisters, Mrs. T.H. Kimbrough of Levelland and Mrs. W.D. Perry of Littlefield.

Photo from City of Lubbock Cemetery, Lubbock, Lubbock Co., TX—

Permission granted by the photographer, Shawn Hughes


AAFA NOTES: See the obituary of his wife, Esther Lenore Ourada Allford Jackson, in this compilation. We included the obituaries of his brothers Cecil Carl “Dick” Allford, Jack G. Allford, Tex “Pete” Allford, and William Lace Allford in Texas Obituaries.

            His ALLFORD lineage: Wilson Osborn 1922 TX1, Wilson Osborn 1887 MS2, William Lace 1856 MS3, John Henry 1816 NC4.


© Copyright 1987-2025 The Alford American Family Association.