Joe Alford and his wife Jeanne were hosts. Total membership by this
meeting was 711. There were about 80 member families present, with
a total of almost 120 attendees.
By state member families were: Texas 15; Virginia 10 and Mississippi
10; Maryland and North Carolina seven; Georgia and Louisiana six;
three each from Arkansas, Oklahoma and California; two each from New
York, Pennsylvania, Florida and Missouri; one each from New Jersey
and Washington D.C.
Everton's Publishers (The Genealogical Helper) presented the workshop
on Friday. The balance of the program through Sunday noon was as in
the previous meeting. No changes were made in directors or officers
in 1994.
Special tours were arranged for Jamestown and Williamsburg. Many
members particularly enjoyed the special tours of the St. Peter's
Parish Church which was built in 1703. Many members trace their Alford
ancestry back to the church were Alford vital statistics were registered
in the early 1700's. The pastor of the church conducted our tours
and the church went all out serving refreshments to their "Alford"
guests. Richmond was a particularly good location for members to do
local research.