The Alford American Family Association
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AAFA 4th Annual Meeting and Family Reunion

1991--October 11-12-13, Jackson, Mississippi at the Holiday Inn--Jackson Medical Center.

The growth in membership this year just exceeded 100 and there were 454 members by then. The host was Ruby Alford Heard and there were over 80 member families with over 140 persons present.

State families represented were: Mississippi 27; Texas 16; Louisiana 11, Arkansas 5; California 4; three each from Virginia, Georgia, Florida and Alabama; two from Kansas, and one each from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Missouri, and Washington.

Prior to the Jackson meeting, Julius Alford had resigned as treasurer and Doris Alford Vetri was appointed to fill that position pending the next election; Bill Mitchiner also found it necessary to resign as Genealogist. Alicia Houston was appointed to serve as a combined Genealogist and Census Project Officer; and Elizabeth Hawes Hazlip was appointed as AAFA's first National Publicist. Five new directors were added in Jackson: Alicia Roundy Houston, James P. Alford of Houston, H. Harold Alford, Nancy Alford Dietrich, and Raymond Alford. New Officers were elected as follows: H. Harold Alford, President; Raymond Alford, Vice President; Max Ray Alford, Secretary; and Doris Alford Vetri, Treasurer. Lodwick, past president, was honored by being named Chairman of the Board of Directors. The format followed in Raleigh was so successful that we continued it in Jackson: Friday night reception, Saturday morning business meeting, Saturday afternoon Alford Family Forum, Saturday evening banquet, and Sunday morning workshop. The workshop grew as AAFA's records accumulated, with Gil and his wife Mary loading their van with books, binders, and boxes so attendees could research their family lines at the meeting. Some of the members were invited to church and lunch at one of the local churches which was historically connected with the Alfords. Of course a cemetery tour was included.

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