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  Last Updated: 08 AUG 2016 by #0197
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Bailey Alford
Estate Records

Annotations by the source:
NC Archives
Wake County Estates (Bailey Alford Folder)
#CR 099.508

The following is a list of documents sent by William A. Mitchiner to Gil Alford, May 17 1986. Bill would later become the AAFA Genealogist. The documents were numbered and marked accordingly. Subsequently copies were sent to Lynn Shelley and Doris Johnston March 2 1999. The numbers were assigned at random with no regard for date so in the list that follows the numbers are a reference only and have no bearing on the sequence. They will be arranged by date after some review to determine same. Many of the original documents are legal size which were reduced in size to permit scanning.

Until these documents were discovered we were uncertain about the father of Bailey Alford since he had thus far been identified only as a child or Mary Alford and/or grandson of Lodwick Alford. These documents prove that Mary married Isaac Alford who was a son of Julius Alford, Julius being younger brother to Lodwick Alford. Isaac and Mary had 9 children.

These twelve documents have been transcribed from the original as best can be determined by the transcriber. Janice Smith has transcribed the first eleven documents with help from Lynn Shelley and Peggy Schuster. The twelfth document was transcribed by Peggy Schuster. If there is a question or correction that needs to be made, please contact Janice Smith.

This is a work in progress that will advance as those involved are able to digest the applicable documents.

Document #
O = original
T = transcribed
Document Date General Subject Comments
  1   O   T ?? 1847   Petetion for Sale of Slaves   Petition of Willie Clifton+
  2   O   T Aug 13 1846   Report to court by Jos Fowler  
  3   O   T Nov 1846   Deed  
  4   O   T Feb 14 1847   Affidavit of Eli Alford  
  5   O   T ?? 1846   Petition of Willie Clifton+  
  6   O   T Apr 30 1846   Article of Agreement  
  7   O   T Mar 28 1868   Receipt  
  8   O   T May 1846   Deed  
  9   O   T May 25 1833   Receipt  
10   O   T Feb 15 1833 (1835?)   Deed ??  
11   O   T Nov 3 1827?   Deed ??  
12   O   T May session 1846    

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