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Alfred The Great

In his first section "English History" Dr. Corrington L. Alford has a subtle suggestion that "Alfred The Great" was the source of the Alford surname.  We don't believe that Alfred the Great had any bearing on most Alford surnames. We also believe that he had no other connection with "Alford."

We think it is more likely that the surname "Alford" came from the old ford across the river Dee near what is present day Aldeford England.  That was the ford, or one of them, used by the Romans to cross over into Wales.  A castle near the ford was known as Aldford Castle and there is an early presence of folks named "Alford" there having evolved from Aldeford to Aldford to Allford and to Alford. More can be found in the Frequently Asked Question, first one listed on the AAFA home page. SEE

It was treated more completed by Rev. Josiah G. Alford who published Alford Family Notes in London in 1908.
For his complete works SEE.

It should be obvious to most that there was no onetime initial Alford like an Adam of Adam and Eve of Genesis.  We have many cases where we cannot trace an Alford family line back to the origin.  Most get no further than early Virginia and never make it to "the boat." Recent YDNA tests prove that there were several different original common Alford ancestor.




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