The Alford American Family Association
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  Last Updated: 17 NOV 2015 by #0197
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Family Gatherings

1928 Jep, Laura & some siblings

For as long as any of us can remember the families of Jep Alford have been gathering.

"I can remember as a kid when our family lived in Arkansas or otherwise away from the Mt. Hermon area at vacation time for my father we would always go to see Grandpa Jep. Most of his other children lived nearby, or at least not too far away in Louisiana so that for about two weeks there would be an almost perpetual gathering of siblings and cousins. This would have been in the 1930's and early 1940's. We did not realize the importance of family photographs at that time. There are none here." -- Gilbert K. Alford, Jr.

In the 1950's and 1960's Jep's granddaughter Mamie Thelma Smith Uhlman and her husband Walter Conrad Uhlman would hold a reunion around the 4th of July at their place near Tylertown, MS where they had a pool with artesian water. Walter died in 1968. Some records and photos were preserved.

Thelma's Reunions

Jeptha Martin Alford's Reunions

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